PSU PSYCH 212 - Context of Development

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Psych 212 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I 4 Interactive Domains of Development a Physical b Cognitive c Psychosocial d Normative vs Non normative II Periods of Lifespan Social Construction Outline of Current Lecture I Context of Development A Family B Socioeconomic Status SES C Culture Ethnicity Current Lecture Context of Development 1 Family Family of origin has a huge influence on you idea generally accepted in this field What is family Depends on the researcher o Could be people with whom you live could be people one is closest with etc Researcher must define family Nuclear family 2 generations biological parents and children o History of farming needing to wanting children extended to nuclear family o Not as common today more single parents blended families foster adoptions gay lesbian homes and no kids homes o Still dominant in western society Today Family is more defined by o Economic unit o Cognitive and psychosocial measures Extended family a multi generation kinship o Includes grandparents cousins aunts uncles and more o Social roles are flexible i e egalitarian o Historically common in Asian African and Latin American Cultures These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Becoming less typical Birth Order What is your role in the family o Baby Mascot the baby embodies every good thing about the family Brat the idea that they get away with more Personality not as ambitious independent o Oldest 3rd parent Responsible independent Guinea pig for parents o Middle Child lost child Trying to stand out clown drug addict Babysitter vs Babysat the idea that sometimes treated like a baby sometimes not and sometimes want to be treated like a baby and sometimes does not sort of stuck in the middle o Only Child Eggs all in one basket all the focus is on them so much more pressure Babied but has responsibility as well 2 Socioeconomic Status SES Includes income education and occupation Poor children low SES are more likely to o Have emotional and behavioral problems o Have poorer school performance Poverty hurts children o know the outcomes the higher risk is not as important 3 Culture Ethnicity Culture a way of life o Customs traditions and artwork o Learned behavior passed on o Can have geographical boundaries hard to define when boundaries are too large o Example same neighborhood school Ethnicity Group shared identity attitude belief o United by ancestry religion language or origin o Example African American Mexican American

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Context of Development

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