MSU ANTR 350 - A first look at anatomy-Day 1

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A First Look At Anatomy January 12th White Board Warm Up In groups define the following terms write your group s definition on the white board 1 cells 2 tissues 3 organs 4 organ systems Cooperative Groups Each group will be assigned one topic Your group is responsible for 1 Learning your assigned content 2 Completing the information in the google doc file make sure you list your names under your group 3 Teaching your content to the other groups Teaching your topic How you teach your topic is up to you You can use the google doc the white board act it out find a youtube video etc Your group has 10 minutes to learn the content complete the google doc for your section Each group will have 5 7 minutes to present their lesson Group 1 Anatomic Position Patient s Perspective 1 What is The Anatomic Position a Why do we use it 2 How do we describe left or right when writing patient notes 3 When would we have a patient be in decubitus position 4 What does it mean for a patient to be supine 5 What does it mean for a patient to be prone Is this person in anatomical position Why or why not Group 2 Standard Anatomical Planes 1 Label the following planes on the figure a Median midsagittal b Frontal coronal c Transverse d Sagittal 2 Which plane indicated on the figure divides the body into front and back 3 Which plane divides the body into equal left and right portions 4 Which plane would create a cross section of the chest 5 a What plane would create a cross section of the foot b Why are cross sections of the foot different from cross sections of the rest of the body Group 3 Using spatial direction terms Define the following terms 1 Superficial 2 Deep 3 Orad 4 Aborad Label the following terms on the appropriate figure anterior vs posterior superior vs inferior medial vs lateral proximal vs distal Fill in the blanks 1 The knee is to the ankle 2 The shoulder is to the sternum 3 The umbilical region is to the cervical region 4 The vertebral column is to the heart 5 The skin is to the superficial fascia Group 4 Body Regions 1 2 Define the following terms A Trunk B Cephalic C Buccal D Umbilicus E Perineum How does the anatomical definition of arm and leg differ from everyday usage of these terms Label the key anterior body regions Group 4 Body Regions cont Define the following terms 1 Hallux 2 Pollex 3 Digits 4 Plantar 5 Palmar 6 Calcaneal Label the key posterior body regions Group 5 Body Cavities 1 What are synonyms for a Ventral b Dorsal 2 What are body cavities 3 What lines all the subdivisions of the ventral body cavity 4 What is the function of the dorsal body cavity Label the body cavities Group 5 Body Cavities cont 4 Identify the serous membrane associated with the indicated cavities 1 List the contents of the following body cavities a Mediastinum b Pericardial c Pleural d Abdominal e Pelvic 2 What separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity 3 Is there a physical barrier between the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity a What does this mean for the contents of these two spaces Group 6 Quadrants vs Regions 4 Label the planes that divide the trunk into quadrants and label the quadrants 1 Why are quadrants and regions used in medicine and anatomy 2 What organ s would you expect to find in the left upper quadrant 3 What organ s would you expect to find in the right lower quadrant Group 6 Quadrants vs Regions cont 1 How are the 9 body regions different from the 4 quadrants 2 When asking a patient to describe their abdominal pain which subdivisions may be more useful quadrants or regions a Why 3 Label the planes that make up the 9 regions and label the regions Group 7 Layers of the body wall 1 List the layers of the body wall from superficial to deep 2 What is fascia 3 What does it do 4 What are some different types of fascia Label the layers indicated by 1 2 4 5 Group 8 Serous Membranes Label the serous membranes 1 What is a serous membrane a b c d What are the different types of serous membranes Where are parietal serous membranes located Where are visceral serous membranes located Are parietal and visceral serous membranes continuous with each other 2 What is a serous cavity 3 Are organs located in serous cavities

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MSU ANTR 350 - A first look at anatomy-Day 1

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