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ANTR 350 Human Gross Anatomy Syllabus Secti ons 001 and 002 Fall 2020 Online Asynchronous Course Directors Instructor Dr Lindsey Jenny PhD Office A512 East Fee Hall Virtual Office Hours Phone 517 353 5286 Email jennylin msu edu preferred contact method Zoom Office Hours Mondays from 11am 12pm and Thursdays from 1pm 2pm See D2L for Zoom links Please contact Dr Jenny for all course administration issues make up requests grade issues etc Instructor Dr Nicole Geske PhD Office A501 B East Fee Hall Virtual Office Hours Phone 517 353 5286 Email geskenic msu edu preferred contact method Zoom Office Hours Mondays from 2pm 3pm and Fridays from 3pm 4pm See D2L for Zoom links Additional Instructors Instructor Dr Jill Slade McMahon PhD Office E 168 Radiology Bldg Virtual Office Hours by appointment Phone 517 884 3351 Email jslade msu edu preferred contact method Instructor Dr Graham Atkin PhD Office A504 East Fee Hall Virtual Office Hours by appointment Phone 517 884 9544 Page 1 of 18 Email atking msu edu preferred contact method Please email instructors at least two days prior to preferred meeting time Email is the preferred method of communication phone is for last minute emergency communications or cancellations Course Description In this course we will learn about the language of anatomy and study the major anatomical structures from all the systems of the body The course focuses on gross anatomy meaning structures visible to the naked eye We will also discuss relevant histological structures and embryological development Our primary goal is to teach normal human anatomy in an asynchronous online format with some optional synchronous activities Selected clinical cases and radiological images will also be presented throughout the course This course is designed to model the professional expectations of health care education medical nursing dental etc and graduate school Course Materials Required materials Internet compatible device phone tablet laptop that can access D2L Top Hat Zoom and has a webcam and microphone Top Hat is available as a webpage and as an app Top Hat Subscription combining Classroom and Top Hat Human Anatomy Textbook o Top Hat Course ANTR 350 Human Gross Anatomy Fall 2020 o Join code 367691 o Top Hat Human Anatomy Textbook ISBN 978 77330 578 3 In an effort to reduce the cost of required materials to students Dr Jenny and Dr Geske collaborated with Top Hat to develop a digital human anatomy textbook Students will have lifetime access to this book after they purchase it Students must purchase access to Top Hat for at least one term with the textbook Dr Jenny and Dr Geske do earn a small amount of royalties from the sale of this textbook The Michigan State University College of Human Medicine curriculum committee has approved the use of this textbook as an appropriate resource for this course Optional Materials Anatomy coloring books can be a useful way to study and supplement your learning However all images used on assessments will be provided to you in the Learning Objective Images files posted on D2L and Top Hat The two coloring books that we recommend are listed below Page 2 of 18 Twietmeyer McCracken Coloring Guide to Human Anatomy 3rd edition 2001 ISBN 0 7817 3042 2 Lippincott Williams Wilkins Hansen Netter s Anatomy Coloring book 2nd edition ISBN 9780323545037 Elsevier On Top Hat there is a list of pages from these books for each week if you choose to use a coloring book as a study tool Course Structure The materials for this course will be delivered online through Top Hat and the course management system Desire to Learn D2L Zoom will be used for virtual office hours and optional case discussion sessions The textbook reading assignments and recorded lecture assignments will be available through Top Hat The applied anatomy activities and quizzes will be delivered through D2L D2L will be used to keep students up to date of their assignments through the announcements checklists and calendar features The D2L gradebook is the gradebook used to determine final grades Students should log into D2L at least once a week to check for new announcements or upcoming due dates Technical Assistance If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem D2L call the help desk 517 432 6200 or 844 678 6200 or submit an online request through D2L Help Desk Service Request Form Please ask that a copy of the trouble ticket be emailed to Dr Jenny as documentation of the incident in the case of make up requests or extensions Top Hat contact the Top Hat Support team by email support tophat com through the app online support Top Hat Online Support live chat or by phone 1 888 663 5491 Please forward all communications with Top Hat support to Dr Jenny as documentation of the incident in the case of make up requests or extensions Page 3 of 18 Course Schedule 1 Week 1 September 2 5 Begin Unit 1 Content Top Hat Homework due Saturday September 12 at 11pm i Course policies tips for success ii Reading Assignment 1 Introduction to Anatomy iii Recorded Lecture Anatomical Language D2L Zoom D2L D2L Zoom D2L iv Download read the syllabus due Thursday September 3 at 2pm v Webinar to meet faculty ask questions optional event Thursday September 3 from 2pm 3pm EST 2 Week 2 September 6 12 Unit 1 Top Hat Homework due Saturday September 12 at 11pm i Recorded lecture Skeletal System ii Recorded lecture Axial Skeleton iii Reading Assignment Module 6 Axial Skeleton iv Applied Anatomy Video 1 Basic Anatomy Muscle Skin and Bone 3 Week 3 September 13 19 Unit 1 Top Hat homework due Saturday September 19 at 11pm i Recorded lecture Appendicular Skeleton ii Reading assignment Module 7 Appendicular Skeleton iii UNIT 1 QUIZ 1 covers weeks 1 2 opens Monday September 14 at 8am and must be completed by Tuesday September 15 by 6pm iv Applied Anatomy Video 2 Bone Facture X ray v Case Discussion 1 optional event see D2L for sign up information 4 Week 4 September 20 26 Unit 1 Top Hat Homework due Saturday September 26 at 11pm i Recorded lecture Introduction to joints Axial Joints ii Recorded lecture Appendicular joints iii Reading assignment Module 8 Articulations iv Applied Anatomy Video 3 Physical trauma and Immediate Care v Applied Anatomy 4 Real life ER Ortho Cases vi Applied Anatomy Quiz 1 covers Applied Anatomy videos 1 4 due Saturday September 26 at 11pm Page 4 of 18 5 Week 5 September 27 October 3 Begin Unit 2 Content Top Hat Homework due Saturday October 3 at 11pm i Recorded lecture Axial

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