MSU ANTR 350 - Skeletal System Overview

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Skeletal System Overview January 14th White Board Warm Up 1 What are the properties of bone 2 What are the main functions of the skeletal system Bone Cells Growth Remodeling 1 Working in groups at your white boards draw a schematic of basic multicellular unit Include the following features a b c d e f 2 3 osteoblasts osteocytes osteoclasts haversian systems osteons concentric lamellae circumferential lamellar bone What is contained in the central canal of an osteon How do bone cells contribute to increases in bone width diameter Using APR compare contrast Cortical Spongy bone 1 How is cortical bone arranged a Concentric circles around osteons which are surrounded by the external circumferential lamellae All of this is then surrounded by the periosteum 2 a Where would you find the thickest layers of cortical bone Diaphysis of long bones 3 a Where would you find the thinnest layers of cortical bone Near the proximal and distal ends of the epiphyses the coverings of irregular short and flat bones 4 a Where would you find lots of spongy bone The epiphyses of long bones and on the interior of other bones 5 Why do you think spongy bone is more easily affected by osteoporosis a Spongy bone is already less dense in addition to having a lattice structure whereas wedge fractures can then appear Architectural Features of Long bones 1 Define and label the following terms Diaphysis Shaft of long bone Contains the primary ossification center Contains much compact bone Epiphysis Proximal and distal ends Contains spongy bone and secondary ossification centers Metaphysis Location where diaphysis and epiphyses connect Epiphyseal plate is located here Medullary cavity Hollow center of long bones Contains yellow marrow Nutrient foramen Where blood vessels enter to provide nutrients for the bone Periosteum Outer casing of all bones Contains two layers cellular and fibrous Endosteum Internal casing of hollow bones Has cellular function 2 Where is Yellow marrow located In the medullary cavity of adult long bones What is yellow marrow Lipids What does Red marrow produce Blood cells 3 a How does the location of red marrow differ between children and adults Children have red marrow in all bones In adults it is located in spongy bone sternum and pelvic bones Classification of bones List and give one example of each of the bone types 1 2 3 4 5 6 Intramembranous Ossification Draw out the main steps of intramembranous ossification What bones develop from this process Endochondral Ossification 1 2 3 4 5 6 Draw out the steps of endochondral ossification What bones develop from this process How are primary and secondary centers of ossification different How are they the same What is the significance of epiphyseal fusion What does EHAKWS stand for and under what circumstances is the timing of epiphseal fusion useful to know Fracture Repair What are the steps in fracture repair Bone and Aging 1 2 3 4 What happens to bone as we age What is osteopenia How is it different from osteoporosis What type of bone is most affected by osteoporosis

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MSU ANTR 350 - Skeletal System Overview

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