PSU PSYCH 212 - Domains of Development

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Psych 212 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture II Other Wild Children A Gene B John the Uganda Monkey Boy C Oxana Ukranian Dog Girl III Formal Study of Child Development IV Developmental Stages a Qualitative and Quantitative V Early Approaches Baby Biographies a Tiedemann b Darwin c G Stanley Hall VI 19th Century Trends a Medicine and Science b Child Protection Laws c Agriculture Education d Psychology VII Four Modern Goals a Describe Explain influences Predict and Modify Outline of Current Lecture VIII 4 Interactive Domains of Development A Physical B Cognitive C Psychosocial D Normative vs Non normative IX Periods of Lifespan Social Construction Current Lecture 4 Interactive Domains of Development o Physical Includes growth of the body brain sensory capacities and motor skills Once physical children become more cognitive Example a sickly child or tall for their age children People talk to them as if delayed because assume he is older than he is These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute These examples would affect a child s psychosocial due to them getting bullied or teased for having physical differences o Cognitive Thoughts feelings emotions and language Trying to figure out what s on your mind Includes mental abilities such as learning attention and language Example inability to express yourself causes frustration Increases cortisol levels and evokes negative reactions in others Why they call them the terrible two s because the child does not have the language capacity to express themselves o Psychosocial Primarily deals with personality and social relationships Normal to have slightly different personalities or sides depending on who you are with Example anxiety about friendships at school can cause bed wetting Leads to worry about sleep overs o Normative vs Non normative Normative influences that affect many or most people an event or influence that is experienced similarly by most people What is typical for a normal group Example most kids hit puberty between 10 14 years old most kids in the U S learn to drive a car around 15 16 or 17 years old Non Normative influences that only occur to a small number of people unusual events that have a major impact Two types o A typical event that happens at an atypical time Example pituitary gland problem that activates puberty early e g age 6 puberty is normal but not at age 6 o An atypical event Example being born with a birth defect or having a rare condition such as hermaphroditic characteristics Caster Semenya of South Africa had hermaphroditic characteristics which caused elevated levels of testosterone therefore allowing her to run faster and causing issues when she ran in the Olympics Periods of lifespan Social construction o Periods that are based on subjective perceptions or assumptions Childhood Adolescence Adulthood o Are generally widely accepted as a reality o Examples when do you become an adult When the law says so Therefore legal voting age 18 legal drinking age 21

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Domains of Development

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