PSU PSYCH 212 - Modern Developmental Psychology

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PSYCH 212 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Feral Children A Victor The Wild Boy of Aveyron Outline of Current Lecture II Other Wild Children A Gene B John the Uganda Monkey Boy C Oxana Ukranian Dog Girl III Formal Study of Child Development IV Developmental Stages a Qualitative and Quantitative V Early Approaches Baby Biographies a Tiedemann b Darwin c G Stanley Hall VI 19th Century Trends a Medicine and Science b Child Protection Laws c Agriculture Education d Psychology VII Four Modern Goals a Describe Explain influences Predict and Modify Current Lecture Other Wild Children Feral Children o Gene Found in 1970 at the age of 13 o John the Uganda Monkey Boy Found in the mid 1980 s at the age of 4 Most well off out of all of the feral children because he was found young and he was practically raised by monkeys prior to being found giving him some exposure to things similar to human behavior o Oxana Ukrainian Dog girl Found in 1991 at the age of 8 o All of these children missed critical windows for development leaving them still unable to become fully developed individuals Formal Study of Child Development These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Ask questions such as How do people change from conception up through adolescence What characteristics remain stable Developmental Changes 2 types o Qualitative difficult to quantify difficult to anticipate Example Changing from nonverbal to verbal communication o Quantitative number or amount Example average height weight size of vocab etc Early Approaches Baby Biographies o Tiedemann 1787 Observed own children Observed sensory motor language and cognitive behavior Came up with Pre linguistic Knowledge the idea that maybe children have thoughts in their heads before they can do can verbalize them we know today that this is a fact Thought sucking was learned not a reflex we know this is false today o Darwin 1877 Developmental similarities common ancestors Introduced the question of nature vs nurture o G Stanley Hall Late 1800s Considered the father of child psychology Wrote the first academic journal of developmental psychology Wanted to study children s minds First to use questionnaires with children Grouped development based off of types of answers Correct or not correct Example Question Have you ever seen a cow Answer Yes follow up question where Answer My bed The child had a cow stuffed animal but had never see an actual real cow however to the child seeing the cow stuffed animal is having seen a cow 19th Century Trends o Medicine Science Survival rates increased Immunizations o Child Protective Laws Mandatory schooling more time in school but also more hooligan ism o Agriculture Education like at Penn State Birth of HDFS Program o Psychology A better understanding of childhood influences A change from needing to wanting a child in culture Four Modern Goals Ex Language and sex development o Describe When do children say their first words Average 1st year What are typical 1st sex experiences Kissing cuddling touching o Explain Influences How do children learn to use language Listen to others What causes precocious sexual behavior Family context disorder molested Unwanted contact o Predict Will delayed language development affect speech Yes Does precocious sex lead to more STD s Yes o Modify Can therapy help speech delays Yes Is sex education for pre teens related to lower STD s Yes

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PSU PSYCH 212 - Modern Developmental Psychology

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