SU NSD 225 - nsd 225 class notes #1

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Joy Muchtar NSD 225 Nutrition in Health Section I 13th January 2015 Introduction to Nutrition Nutrition is o The science that links foods to health and disease o it includes the processes by which the human organism ingests digests absorbs transports and excretes human substances Nutrients come from Food o Eat food not too much mostly plants Michael Pollan o What should I eat to be healthy Essential nutrient o Omission leads to decline o Regain normal function when restored to the diet o Has specific biological function o Go back to normal after you have enough of it Why study nutrition o Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are risk factors for chronic diseases Disease of the heart 24 6 of all deaths Cancer 23 3 Stroke 5 3 Diabetes 2 8 Accounts for 2 3 of deaths Nutrient functional categories o Provide calories o For growth development and maintenance o Regulate body processes Table 1 3 in the book The six classes of nutrients 1 Carbohydrates macro o Source of calories 4 kcal gm o A slice of bread about 15grams of carbohydrates 60 calories a Simple sugars b Complex carbohydrates c Dietary fiber 2 Lipids macro o Source of calories 9 kcal gm o Do not dissolve in water o Fats and oils a Animal fats solid b Plant oils liquid c Essential Fatty Acids 3 Proteins macro o Source of calories 4 kcal gm o Structural material o Most Americans consume excess protein a Amino acids building blocks of protein 4 Vitamins micro o Enable chemical reactions o Yield no energy a Fat soluble Vitamins A D E K b Water soluble B Vitamins and Vitamin C 5 Minerals micro o Inorganic substances o Numerous functions in the body structural components calcium or eletcrolytes etc o Yield no energy a Major b Trace functions 6 Water Can t live without o Numerous vital functions in the body o Majority of our body weight 60 o Recommended intake 9 13 cups day o Found in foods o Yield no energy Other components in food Phytochemcicals o Chemicals found in plants flavonoids More notes look at PPT on BLCKBOARD Energy Sources and Uses We need energy for body functions o Carbohydrates 4 kcals per gram o Fats 9 kcals per gram o Proteins 4 kcals per gram o Alcohol 7 kcals per gram Energy is held in chemical bonds What is a Calorie Measurement of energy The amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius 1 000 calories 1 kcal 1 food Calorie Sample Calculation of a Nutrition Label Check PPT ON BLCKBOARD Solution Check PPT ON BLCKBOARD Dr Sarah Short How do we make food choices Food we like Can afford Available Culturally acceptable Finally what we think we should eat R D registered dietitian the ones to go to if you need a diet plan anyone can write a nutrition book Supplements You can sell anything and call it a supplement 720 calories 1 muffin a bunch of fruits Energy is calories Pepsi 20g sugar 80 calories

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