UT Arlington MANA 3319 - Final Exam Study Guide

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MANA 3319 1st Edition Exam 4 Study Guide Lectures 17 Lecture 17 November 25 1 The difference between a work group and a team Groups form on their own on their own time Teams are created by the company and have authority 2 The difference between the different types of teams Work make sell project and development long term projects parallel separate from work structure and temporary management coordinate direction and integrate work transnational multinational members of multiple countries virtual electronic communication 3 Characteristics of self managed teams More productive lower costs better service better quality better safety records more satisfying 4 The stages of group processes Forming storming norming performing 5 The difference between task specialist and team maintenance roles Task specialist has more skills and ability Team maintenance maintains team harmony 6 How to encourage social facilitation Teamwork and team effort 7 The difference between conflict management styles and which ones are better than others Accommodating what the other wants avoidance ignoring compromise moderate attention to both competing what you want collaborating ideal what both want 8 An international strategy in which the organization maintains its production facilities within its home countries and transfers its products for sale in foreign markets is referred to as exporting 9 A computer division that organizes its structure into a computer division a software division and a consulting services division is using which approach to departmentalization Functional 10 Which of the following is a characteristic of the matrix approach Dual line of command hybrid of functional and divisional two bosses 11 Which of the following is not identified by the text as a stage of decision making Stages are situational analysis alternative goals and plans goal and plan evaluation goal and plan selection implementation monitor and control 12 In the expectancy model the question If I perform the intended behavior what will be the outcomes is called Instrumentality 13 Examples of interference in communication and what that interference is called communication pitfalls 14 Examples of communication pitfalls misused words typos lost messages overlooking 15 Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication questions can be asked feedback is immediate tone more persuasive and less expensive Spontaneous statements no documentation 16 Advantages and disadvantages of written communication Documented can be revised same message reader has more time to read Sender has no control of where message travels no immediate feedback can be misunderstood must be longer to answer questions 17 Advantages and disadvantages of electronic communication Sharing more info and speed and efficiency Difficult to solve hard problems 18 Suggestions for managing the virtual load Separate important from routine Take control of time Reply immediately 19 Which communication channel has the greatest media richness Face to face 20 How to add more power to a presentation Simple informative with stories and anecdotes and excitement Provide meaning practice allow imperfections crisp wrap up 21 Advantages and disadvantages of downward communication Used to give assignments Info overload and loss 22 Characteristics of the types of control systems Bureaucratic rules regulations authority Market pricing and economic info Clan norms values shared goals and trust 23 Examples of feedforward concurrent and feedback control Feedforward before ops have policies and procedures and rules Concurrent while ops are carried out like directing monitoring and tuning Feedback info about previous results to correct 24 Types of audits and what they could be used for Management effectiveness and efficiency of orgs External conducted by one org to another Internal assessment of won company with planning organizing leading and controlling processes Accounting used with accounting statements 25 Types of budgets and what they are for 26 Examples of assets liabilities and stockholders equity 27 Examples of the downsides to bureaucratic control 28 What a balanced scorecard review typically includes Financial customer business process and learning and growth 29 The characteristics of the types of innovation Product process and business model 30 Forces that drive technological development Need possible to meet need meet need funding skilled labor time space and resources must be available entrepreneurial initiative needed 31 Stages of the technology life cycle Early problems emergence of dominant design limit approached 32 The types of technology adopters Innovators early adoptors early majority late majority laggards 33 What causes technology to spread quickly Companies have time to respond 34 First mover advantages Technological leadership 35 Ways of measuring a company s current technologies Benchmarking 36 How to decide which way of sourcing technology is best for the situation Figure 17 4 Internal development acquisition of tech or exclusive research contract purchase or license or trade or joint venture or research partnership 37 Which types of capabilities and situations fit into each part of the SWOT analysis a lot of groups had this wrong in the presentations Strengths effective sales and marketing user friendly low price Weakness limited experience to smaller companies need to prove self for larger customers Opportunities geo expansion more markets new services Threats large vendors price pressure standardized product 38 The elements of achieving company greatness according to Chapter 18 Strategy execution culture structure 39 Characteristics of the types of interventions that help with organizational development 40 Sources of employee complacency about change No major crisis too much happy talk from uppers denial low confrontation too many visible resources low standards low feedback bad measuring systems narrow goals 41 Examples of the types of reasons that employees may resist change Complacency 42 Approaches to getting employee cooperation Establish urgency create guiding coalition develop vision and strategy communicate vision empowering action generate small wins consolidate gains anchor new approaches 43 The pros and cons of the different methods for managing resistance to change Proactive initiated before gap Reactive under pressure 44 How to classify organizations on the BCG matrix Dogs bad cash cows good for money question marks may have good market shares

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UT Arlington MANA 3319 - Final Exam Study Guide

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