UT Knoxville BCMB 230 - BCMB230ex1s14

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Human Physiology Spring 2014 Exam I 1 If red blood cells are placed in a hyperosmotic solution they will a shrink b swell c can t tell what the cell will do d remain the same 2 If red blood cells are placed in a solution that is hypotonic the cells will a shrink b swell c remain the same d change depends on type of solutes 3 Using the information presented in lecture which of the following is most likely to be the source for the keto acid necessary for the production of the amino acid glutamate 3 carbon R group a glycolysis b Krebs cycle c lactate d production of acetyl CoA 4 Which of the following would decrease the rate of diffusion of sodium ions a increased degradation of Na channels b increased transcription of the Na channel gene c increase the activity of Na K ATPase d none of the above 5 Which of the following is a type of posttranslational modification a glycolysis b glycogenolysis c glycosylation d gluconeogenesis 6 H bonds important in the secondary structure of proteins are produced because of polar covalent bonds involving a phosphate b nitrogen c oxygen d both b and c 7 Denaturing a protein a can be caused by inappropriate pH or temperature b is always irreversible c may be used to regulate the number of specific proteinsd all of the above 8 Which of the following is consistent with an increase in affinity at a binding site a ligand is more likely to bind to the site b ligand stays bound to site for a longer time c increased in ionic or hydrogen bonding between ligand and site d all of the above 9 Mediated transport a has a maximum rate of transport that is dependent on concentration of the transported solute b may move solutes down the concentration gradient c may move solutes against the concentration gradient d all of the above 10 If a transport protein reaches its transport maximum which of the following has occurred a transport decreases b competition c saturation d both a and c 11 Beta oxidation of a fatty acid directly produces a acetyl CoA b NADH c FADH2 d ATP e a b and c 12 Which of the following could be used to control movement of lipid soluble solutes across an epithelial layer a tight junctions b transmembrane proteins c regulating the concentration of the solute d both a and b 13 Which of the following is moved into lysosomes by primary active transport a hydrogen ions b calcium ions c potassium ions d all of the above 14 A human red blood cell contains a solution that is approximately 300 mOsm What will happen if we place a red blood cell in a 100 mM solution of calcium chloride CaCl 2 a nothing b cell swells c cell shrinks d no net movement of solute or water 15 In a competition between ligand A and ligand B Which of the following factors would increase the amount of ligand A bound to the binding site a increase affinity of the site for ligand B b increase the concentration of ligand A c saturation of site d two or more of the above are true 16 A reflex to maintain homeostasis that occurs before there is a change in the internal environment could be an example of a feed forward regulation b positive feedback c negative feedback d all of the above 17 Which of the following types of stimuli can be used to signal opening or closing of ion channels a change in membrane potential b ligand binding c stretch d all of the above 18 A change in a physiological property within an individual in response to a change in the environment is most appropriately called a negative feedback b positive feedback c acclimatization d adaptation 19 A solution that has 100mM of glucose 100mM of NaCl and 100 mM of glycerol is a isotonic and isosmotic b hypotonic and isosmotic c isotonic and hyperosmotic d hypertonic and hypoosmotic 20 A 500 mOsm solution of glycerol is a isotonic b hypertonic c hypotonic d hypooosmotic 21 If oxygen is limiting cellular respiration stops a in glycolysis just after phosphorylation of a 6 carbon molecule b due to a shortage of NADH from oxidative phosphorylation c unless lactate and NAD are produced by anaerobic respiration d all of the above 22 Production of NADH occurs in a glycolysis b Krebs cycle c the production of acetyl CoA d both b and c 23 Urea is produced from a a keto acid b deamination c transamination d both b and c 24 Inhibiting phospholipase C would decrease the amount of a DAG b arachidonic acid c PIP 2 d cAMP 25 The kidney produces a fluid from blood called the filtrate The main difference in composition between the filtrate and the blood is based on the size of the solute particles Which type of transport would be used to form this filtrate a diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer b transcellular epithelial transport c paracellular epithelial transport c mediated transport 26 Just after it is formed the filtrate has the same concentration of glucose as the blood Under normal physiological conditions all of the glucose is removed from the filtrate and put back into the blood Which type of transport would be used to produce this reabsorption of glucose a transcellular epithelial transport b facilitated diffusion c secondary active transport d primary active transport 27 A phosphoprotein would be inactivated by a a phosphatase b phospholipase c phosphodiesterase d G protein 28 Which of the following is a peripheral protein a Tyrosine kinase b JAK kinase c protein kinase C d calmodulin 29 A ligand gated channel would best be described as a form of a covalent modulation b allosteric modulation c a reversible reaction d degradation 30 Which of the following is not directly produced by oxidative phosphorylation A ATP b CO 2 c NAD d FAD 31 Phospholipase C a produces DAG c acts on a membrane phospholipid 32 As a cytosolic messenger Ca acts on a IP3 b calmodulin c DAG b is activated by a G protein d all of the above d all of the above 33 A solution that contains 150mM of NaCl and 150mOsm of glycerine is For this cell glycerine is a penetrating solute and NaCl is nonpenetrating a hypotonic and isoosmotic b isotonic and isoosmotic c hypotonic and hypoosmotic d isotonic and hyperosmotic 34 If a transport maximum for glucose has been reached what can the cell do to increase the amount of the glucose moved across the membrane a nothing can be done to increase the rate of glucose transport b activate inactive glucose transporters present in the membrane c increase transcription of the gene for the glucose transporter d both b and c could be possible 35 For each molecule of glucose cellular respiration produces a 4 CO 2 b 2 FADH 2 c 6 NADH

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