BCOM 3360 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lecture 10 November 11 Chapter 10 Persuasive and Sales Messages Persuasive techniques establish credibility make a reasonable and precise request tie facts to benefits recognize the power of loss expect and overcome resistance share solutions and compromise Tone avoid sounding preachy or parental don t pull rank avoid making threats soften your words when persuading upward be enthusiastic positive and likable Know what you want to achieve find way to make message heard research and organize persuasive data Can be to gain attention build interest reduce resistance and motivate action Gain attention problem description unexpected statement reader benefit compliment related facts stimulating questions Build interest facts expert opinion direct benefits examples details and indirect benefits Reduce resistance Motivate action Writing persuasive claims develop a logical persuasive argument use a moderate tone Apply 3x3 writing process to sales message analyze product and purpose for writing adapt sales message to audience Crafting direct mail sales letter gain attention in sales message build interest with rational and emotional appeals reducing resistance and building desire motivating action at the conclusion of a sales message and put together all the parts of a sales message Persuasive in high context cultures indirectness politeness soft sell approach relationship appeal and collectivist view Lowcontext directness superlatives hard sell approach short term goal you view Lecture 11 October 21 Chapter 11 Reports and Research Basics Report types informational and analytical Organizational strategies direct and indirect Report formats letter memo and email manuscript preprinted and digital Analyze problem and purpose scope and limitations significance Anticipate the audience and issues Prepare a work plan Gather information from secondary sources Print resources books periodicals Electronic databases Gather information from primary sources by surveys interviews observation and experimentation internet Understand complexity of internet identify search tools applying internet search strategies and techniques evaluate web sources Document information Distinguish between academic documentation and business practices Learn what to document develop good research habits manual note taking electronic note taking Practice paraphrasing Know when and how to quote Use citation formats Create effective visual aids by matching graphics and objectives with tables bar charts line charts pie charts flow charts organization charts photographs maps and illustrations Incorporate graphics in reports evaluate the audience use restraint be accurate and ethical introduce a graph meaningfully choose a good caption or title style Lecture 15 November 12 Chapter 15 The Job Search Resumes and Cover Letters Prepare for a good job search by identifying interests and goals evaluating qualifications recognizing employment trends in todays workplace choosing a career path Conducting a successful job search by searching online use traditional techniques Create a custom resume by choosing a style chronological or functional decide on length Organize information into effective resume categories with a main heading career objective summary of qualifications education work experience or employment history capabilities and skills awards honors and activities personal data and references Optimize resume for todays technology by designing a print based resume a scanable resume a plain text resume showcase qualifications in an eportfolio or video resume Final touches polish proofread and submit Create a customized persuasive cover letter by gain attention in the opening both for solicited and unsolicited job sell strengths in body motivate action in closing send cover letter Lecture 16 November 17 Chapter 16 Interviewing and Following Up Types of employment interviews screening hiring placement one on one panel group sequential stress online Before the interview ensure professional phone techniques make first conversation impressive research target company prepare and practice rehearse success stories practice answers to possible questions clean up digital dirt explain problem areas decide how to dress gather items During the interview send positive nonverbal messages and act professionally control body movements exhibit good posture practice appropriate eye contact use gestures effectively smile to convey positivity listen attentively turn off electronics don t chew gum sound enthusiastic and interested but sincere avoid empty words Typical interview questions are to get acquainted gague interest experience and accomplishments future challenging questions salary situational behavioral illegal and inappropriate questions Closing interview by asking own questions ending positively After interview thank your interviewer contact references follow up Documents are application form application or resume follow up letter rejection follow up letter job acceptance and rejection letters resignation letter
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