Chemistry Final Preparation Chapter 11 Learning Objectives Explain the electron transfer process and define the terms associated with redox reactions Describe galvanic cells Explain how balanced chemical equations are written for electron transfer reactions Show how to calculate standard cell potentials and how to use them to predict whether a redox process is extensive Describe some common batteries Explain the process of corrosion Describe electrolytic cells Chapter 12 Learning Objectives Define acids and bases Show examples of Lewis and Br nsted acid base reactions Explain how acids are named Discuss the factors dictating the extent of proton transfer in acid base reactions Explain the factors dictating the relative strengths of acids Define Ka and show how the equilibrium constants of acid base reactions are related to the Ka values of the acids involved in the equilibrium Explain the acid base chart and how it is used to predict the extent of proton transfer in acid base reaction Define pH and pKa
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