UNT PSYC 3620 - Exam #3 Review of Objectives

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Socio Emotional Development Part I Early Personality Development Theory o Describe psychodynamic theories revisit pages 29 34 o Strengths o Weaknesses o Understand Erikson s Freud s theories of development how they differ specifically in relation to o Primary conflicts dilemmas o What constitutes a resolution what happens if a conflict is not resolved o Understand the concept of temperament including the different approaches o Psychodynamic theories Ages Infancy Freud s Psychosexual stages Oral Pleasure is focused on the mouth taking in Toddlerho Anal Pleasure is od focused on the anal region control of one s own body its products Preschool Phal Pleasure is lic focused on the genital area development of the family romance School Late Sexual energy Age ncy goes underground Erikson s Psychosocial Stages Trust v Mistrust Autonom y v Shame Doubt Development of trust in maternal care in one s own ability to cope v hopelessness Independence selfcontrol v lack of confidence Initiative v Guilt Exuberant activity v over control Identity v Integration of previous experiences to form an Adolesce nce Early Adulthoo d Middle Adulthoo d Late Adulthoo d Gen ital as child focuses on peers learning Sexual energy reaches adult level with focus on intimate relationships Inferiority identity v confusion about one s role in society Identity Integration of previous v Role experiences to form an Confusio identity v confusion n about one s role in society Intimacy Ability to form close v relationships v fear of Isolation losing the self Generati Guiding the next vity v generation v Stagnatio preoccupation with one s n own needs Ego Achievement of a sense Integrity of meaning in life v focus v on fear of death Despair o Freud s Theory of Development o Freud s Psychosexual Stages Oral mouth lips tongue Birth to 18 mo Oral receptive personality child is fed too much Oral aggressive personality child is fed too little Resolution Anal anus 1 to 3 yo Anally retentive personality excessive potty training techniques Anally explosive personality inconsistent potty training techniques Resolution proper toilet training Phallic 3 to 5 yo Sexual attraction to same sex parent o Oedipus Electra Complex Resolution identifying with same sex parent learning to balance conflicting drives sexual desire societal expectations Latent 5 to 12 yo Sexual energy becomes latent o Focus on school work same sex relationships Resolution Genital 12 to 18 yo Puberty Resolution heterosexual relationships with non family members o Erik Erikson s Theory of Development o Emphasis on a life span approach compared to Freud s approach which only focused on childhood o Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Trust v Mistrust first year Virtue hope Autonomy v Shame Doubt 2 3 yo Virtue development of will Initiative Guilt 3 5 6 yo Virtue purpose Industry v Inferiority 6 yo puberty Virtue competency Identity v Role Confusion Adolescence Virtue fidelity o Critique of Psychodynamic Theories o Strengths Complexities of personality development Focus on emotional qualities of childcaregiver relationship Importance of early childhood experiences o Weaknesses NOT TESTABLE Fuzzy concepts Based on case studies personal observations o Concept of Temperament o Temperament is the emotional substrate of personality which may represent the basic pattern of personality Quality intensity of emotional reaction activity level attention emotional selfregulation o Thomas Chess research babies Easy babies Good routines no strong reaction to new stimuli Difficult babies Really unhappy upset in unfamiliar situations Slow to warm up babies Withdrawn cautious didn t like new stimuli Unclassified Showed varying reactions o Rothbart Four Aspects of Temperament Emotion Attention Action Effortful control Early Emotion Development o Describe early emotion development including when why particular emotions emerge o Understand self conscious emotion development how children understand others emotions o Describe emotion regulation challenges to early emotion regulation the role of parents in developing refining regulation strategies o Understand the development study promotion of compliance o Early Emotion Development o Four Basic Emotions 1 happiness Social smile 3 4 weeks Laugher 3 4 mo 2 anger Distress anger 4 6 mo o o o o Mobility is main reason 3 sadness Still Face paradigm o Elicits sadness 2 6 mo o More upsetting to kids than if mom is absent 4 fear Initial fears 6 mo Stranger anxiety 8 12 mo Mobility is main reason Self Conscious Emotion Development o The self concept evolves during 2 yo o Self conscious emotions Shame unintentional actions Blame is put upon you form others Guilt intentional actions Something you did that wasn t right o Require adult instruction as to WHEN you should feel pride WHAT you should be envious of Understanding Others Emotions o Empathy involves 2 parts Apprehending another person s emotional state or condition Matching that emotional state oneself Requires understanding that someone else s emotional state can be different than your own Early Emotion Regulation o Very limited in infants o As brain developments occur If I m not happy I don t like this I can remove myself from this LOCOMOTION o Parents shape self regulation style because they model appropriate emotion expression regulation also communicated through their language to label emotions Compliance o Development Seen around 12 18 mo Defined as understanding obeying caregivers wishes standards o Study The Marshmallow Test Kids usually don t complete task until 4 yo o Kids who are successful use mechanisms to inhibit their impulses o Promotion Developmental limits not even seen until 1218 mo Limit directives obtain attention short positive directives provide time for compliance Reinforce self controlled behavior Emotion Regulation Development Common Problems across Childhood o Describe emotional development across childhood including emotional understanding emotional self regulation o Pages 515 517 o Understand the types of discipline their consequences across childhood o o o o o o Describe alternatives to physical punishment Describe some of the common problems in middle childhood fears anxieties as well as risk for consequences of childhood sexual abuse o Pages 532 539 Understand changes in adolescent emotions including development of sympathy as well as potential causes consequences of overall affective state responsivity Emotional Development across Childhood o Contentment joy o Interest

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