TAMU PHYS 208 - Combined 2010

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PHYSICS 208 Electricity and Magnetism Fall 2011 Sections 501 503 504 527 and 516 518 520 MWF Aud 205 MPHY Co Pre requisites You should have taken PHYS 218 MATH 151 and currently be enrolled in MATH 152 or have taken it You are expected to have a working knowledge of plane and solid geometry trigonometry algebra vectors di erentiation and integration Instructor Dr Alexander Finkelstein O ce MPHY Room 411 Contact tel 458 5701 e mail nkelstein physics tamu edu O ce hours Monday 1 40 2 30 Wednesday 1 40 2 30 or by appointment Web page http faculty physics tamu edu nkelstein Textbooks University Physics 12th ed by Hugh Young and Roger Freedman Volume 2 12th ed rather than 13th Laboratory Manual for Physics 208 11th ed by S Ramirez J Ross and W Saslow Rec Lab Recitation meets in 334 Mitchell Physics Building MPHY for the rst hour and is followed by a one hour Laboratory session in 211 or 212 MPHY If you have taken the course before and received 80 or more on the lab part of the course speak to me immediately With my permission you will not have to repeat the lab however you must still attend Recitation and take the weekly quizzes The lab schedule is handed out separately Note no recitations or labs meet during the rst week Quizzes HW Homework assignments bonuses recitations and quizzes are for your benefit so that you can practice problem solving techniques a To receive credit you must submit a homework via the MasteringPhysics web site but not later than the due time You are expected to do all the problems listed there for weekly homework assignments and bonuses Bonuses are short computer assignments that are tutorial in style and based on the material given in the class Marks for assignments and bonuses are accumulated together I highly recommend start studying a new chapter from bonuses Instructions for using MasteringPhysics appear on a separate page b Recitations are problem solving sessions during which the recitation instructor will work problems and answer questions originating from you c During the semester at least 10 quizzes will be given in recitation Each quiz will test your ability to work one of the assigned homework problems or a similar problem from the text Exams There will be three midterm exams and one final exam a Each midterm exam will be 45 minutes long and the nal exam will be 2 hours long These exams will consist of 4 5 problems For each problem the entire solution will be graded and partial credit given if merited Your work must show the steps toward the solution the answer alone is not su cient b You will be supplied with a formula sheet with each exam To assist in your preparation for these exams a copy of this sheet will be distributed to you in class the week before each exam c You will need to bring a calculator to the exams However this must not be a programmable type calculator with large memory unless you can demonstrate that the memory is clear before beginning the exam d If you miss an exam due to an authorized excused absence as outlined in the University Regulations you must contact me no later than the next class meeting following the missed exam to arrange for a makeup exam This exam will be administered outside normal class time within 7 10 days following the missed exam Note that very few conditions qualify as an authorized excused absence so avoid missing an exam at all costs e You must bring your student ID with you to all exams for identi cation purposes Exam Grade Midterm exams will each receive a numerical grade not curved The class will also be told approximate grade boundaries for each exam By comparing your grade to these boundaries you can get an indication of the grade you might expect in the course if you keep achieving at the same level However these approximate grade boundaries are not necessarily the same as the boundaries that will be used for the nal course grade Total Exams Grade The total exams grade TEG 500 is derived from a total of 500 points distributed as follows If your nal exam mark is higher than the average of your three mid term exams it will count for 300 points and the mid term average will count for 200 If the average of mid term exams is higher then it will count for 300 and the nal will be worth 200 Total Course Grade The nal course grade A B C is derived from TWO criteria i the TEG 500 and ii the total number of points TNP 787 which is calculated as follows TEG Recitation quizzes Laboratory Homework Total Points 500 75 100 75 37 787 NOTE Homework includes assignments max 75 points and bonuses max 37 points You must pass the lecture part of the course 3 midterm exams plus the nal and the laboratory part separately in order to pass the whole course Completion of all laboratory experiments is required Once again both criteria TEG 500 and TNP 787 are applied for determining the nal grade A B C Class Schedule Week of Aug 28 Chapters 21 Sept 4 22 Sept 11 23 Sept 18 24 Sept 25 Exam 1 Chap 21 23 Sept 28 in class 25 Oct 2 26 Oct 9 27 Oct 16 Exam 2 Chap 24 26 Oct 19 in class 28 Oct 23 29 Oct 30 30 Nov 6 32 Nov 13 Exam 3 Chap 27 30 Nov 16 in class 33 Nov 27 34 Dec 12 Final Exams Chap 21 30 32 34 Monday Topics Electric Charge and Electric Field 1 7 Gauss s Law 1 5 Electric Potential 1 5 Capacitance and Dielectrics 1 4 Current Resitance and Electromotive Force 1 5 DC Circuits 1 5 Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Forces 1 7 Sources of Magnetic Field 1 7 Electromagnetic Induction 1 7 Inductance 1 5 Electromagnetic Waves 1 4 The Nature and Propagation of Light 1 3 5 7 Geometrical Optics and Optical Instruments 1 4 6 good luck ADA Note The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA is a federal anti discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities Among other things this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact the Department of Student Life Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall 979 845 1637 Honor Code An Aggie does not lie cheat or steal or tolerate those who do All work for this course will be governed by the the Aggie Honor Code To familiarize yourself with these rules they can be found on the web at http www tamu edu aggiehonor QUESTION AF will we use the 13th edition of Young and Freedman or still the 12th edition ANSWER Because the students who will take

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TAMU PHYS 208 - Combined 2010

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