UGA BIOL 1108 - Exam 3 Study Guide
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BIOl 1108 1nd Edition Exam 3 Study Guide This study guide will focus mainly on the learning objectives alone XI Animal Evolution 1 Compare and contrast the terms development and evolution Development the growth of an individual animal through its life from embryonic stage to adult stage zygote adult death Evolution the successive change in allele frequencies over generations 2 Explain how animal development mirrors animal evolution Forms go from simpler to more complex water to land as in the movement from water masses to land masses and also the womb at one point in all embryonic development vertebrates have a tail to the outside world 3 Explain the relevance of the evolution of bilateral symmetry It allowed the animals to control their preferred direction of movement allowed for the accumulation of sensory organs at the front end of body neurons cell bodies can accumulate ganglion form that are a grouping of nerve cell bodies the summation of the ganglia are what allow for the formation of a brain Hox genes are a group of related genes that control the body plan of the embryo along the anterior posterior axis this is crucial in the development in the evolution of the bilateral body plan 4 Define and relate the terms animals invertebrate vertebrate chordate tetrapod amniote Animals are multicellular eukaryotes that are heterotrophic and lack rigid cell walls invertebrates are animals that lack a backbone vertebrates are animals that have a backbone or spinal cord a chordate is an animal that has a bilateral body plan and has a notochord a dorsal hollow nerve cord pharyngeal slits and a muscular postanal tail in any stage of their development they can be vertebrates or invertebrates tetrapods are any vertebrate animal with four legs that include amphibians reptiles birds and mammals and are derived from the lobe finned fish amniotes are tetrapods that reproduce by eggs which enables them to be able to lay their offspring on land rather than in the water 5 List the four tissue types found in vertebrates and give examples Muscle tissue cardiac and skeletal tissues that aid with movement and support Nerve tissue Brain spinal cord Epithelial tissue tissues that line our organs glands Connective tissue comprise of tendons ligaments cartilage 9 Explain the problems that each environment poses to its inhabitants The problems that come from an aqueous environment are lack of ample amounts of sunlight and oxygen Problems that come from land are the necessity for increased support systems due to gravity and having to travel to collect nutrients and also the increased need for ways of mobility because there is no water current to help them move 10 Explain the advantages that each environment poses its inhabitants Aqueous environments give the animals more support and buoyancy along with an easier access to nutrients in the water and easier hydration and a means for sperm to travel The advantages to land are the increased amount of oxygen and sunlight 11 Draw a cladogram that shows the evolution of vertebrates as time increases left to right on the cladogram Ancestral chordates Jawless fish cartilage fish bony fish amphibians reptiles mammals birds off the reptile branch 12 Read from the cladogram which vertebrate classes are most closely related with amphibians birds or mammals Bony fish are most closely related to amphibians Reptiles are most closely related to birds Reptiles are also most closely related to mammals birds branch off the reptiles not the main branch 13 Justify your answer Looking at a specific animal species on the cladogram the first branch that came before that species is the one that is most closely related 14 Explain do reptiles represent a monophyletic group No they are a paraphyletic group because they exclude birds and mammals that are also descendents from the same ancestors and are classified by a particular trait instead 15 List the structures associated with the seven groups of vertebrates They are all chordates so they all have a notochord dorsal hollow nerve cord pharyngeal slits and post anal tails The jawless fish is the first chordate with a spinal cord Cartilage fish have jaws and paired appendages Bony fish developed a swim bladder Amphibians are tetrapods and have grown four legs and some have moved to land they mainly breathe through their skin and have very small lungs Reptiles have grown scales on their exterior and produce offspring by laying eggs this is the start of internal fertilization Birds have feathers and wings they reproduce by internal fertilization and lay eggs Mammals are covered in either hair or fur breathe with lungs and give birth to live offspring by internal fertilization that are grown internally and fed through the placenta 17 Explain how these specific structures are associated with specific functions The jaws and paired appendages allow for easier feeding by being able to grab onto the food source and more easily break it up with the teeth that developed from the jaw bones The swim bladder was the lung derivative that allowed for future breathing to take place on land The formation of four legs allowed tetrapods to walk on land easier and they were formed by the bony supports in the fins and eventually moved from the side of the body to under the body for better mobility on land The wet skin of amphibians allowed for hydration and breathing to take place through their skin and the scales gave greater protection and ability for temperature regulation Fur and hair allowed for temperature regulation in mammals and the development of internal fertilization allowed for more protection during the initial growth of offspring and also more specific reproduction due to the fact that the sperm and egg don t have to rely on travel through the water to come into contact with one another 18 Predict which specializations of structures you would expect to find in animals living in extreme environments compared to temperate ones Outer protection thicker fur in colder climates scales in more wet environments Hydration in dry environments methods to obtain and store water Gas Exchange larger lungs to take in air and breathe Membrane permeability protection from varying pH extremes 21 Explain the evolution of vertebrates with respect to the transition from water to land which structures evolved as solutions to which problems Vertebrates developed lungs to be able to breath air instead of gills in the water they also had their bony fins form into

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UGA BIOL 1108 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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Pages: 12
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