MIT 6 01 - Assignment for Week 7

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MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 081 Introduction to EECS I Spring Semester 2007 Assignment for Week 7 Software Lab for March 20th Prelab exercises due Thursday March 22th before lab Lab on designing and using a virtual oscilloscope Post lab due Tuesday April 3rd in Lecture The constraints view of circuits In this problem set you will learn about resistor networks both as constraint systems and from a more intuitive perspective The former is more useful when writing programs to determine the behavior of circuits the latter is more helpful during design You will get a chance to use your understanding of resistor networks to design a virtual oscilloscope and then use that oscilloscope to investigate the behavior of a lego motor This problem set has four parts 1 Post Lecture lab on using a constraint resolver to solve circuit problems 2 Tutor problems on analyzing resistor networks 3 Lab on designing and using a virtual oscilloscope 4 Post lab problem on generating constraints for a neuron model Note we are still having some issues with the software for Thursday s lab so we will post the final version of Thursday s lab Wednesday evening We will also bring paper copies to Thursday s lab Tuesday Post lecture Software Lab You will be downloading and using resolve constraints py which contains programs for creating lists of constraints and their associated variables and then once the list of constraints and variables has been generated determining values for the variables so that the constraints are satisfied In particular a user must first create an instance of the class constraint list Then the user invokes constraint list s function add constraint multiple times once for each of the constraints The function add constraint appends a constraint and the constraint s associated variables to the instance By calling the instance s function resolve constraints values are determined for the variables so that the constraints are satisfied The values of the variables can be printed by calling constraint list s function display There are two arguments to the function add constraint The first is a procedure whose input is a tuple of variable values and the second is a lists of strings which are the labels for the variables used in the constraint The order of the strings should match the order of the variables in the tuple The procedure that is passed to add constraint should return zero when the input tuple satisfies the constraint and if the tuple does not satisfy the constraint the procedure should return a floating point number which indicates how far the tuple is from satisfying the constraint As an example consider the problem of finding values for x and y which satisfy the two constraints 5 x 2 y 3 and 3 x 4 y 33 Of course x 3 and y 6 satisfy the above two constraints To use the constraint class and the function resolve constraints to find the constraint satisfying values of x and y first define functions which generate the two constraint procedures def firstEqn Enforces 5 x 2 y 3 assumes x y return lambda x 5 0 x 0 2 0 x 1 3 0 def secondEqn Enforces 3 x 4 y 33 0 assumes x y return lambda x 3 0 x 0 4 0 x 1 33 0 Second create an instance of constraint list and add the two constraints being careful to provide variable labels in the same order as used in the constraint procedures linSys constraint list linSys add constraint firstEqn x y linSys add constraint secondEqn x y Finally call resolve constraints and display the solution solution resolve constraints linSys linSys display solution In order to use resolve constraints for circuit problems one needs an organized approach for generating the variables and constraints for a circuit In class we discussed the nodal approach for accomplishing this task The steps in the nodal approach were 1 Label all the circuit node voltages and element currents noting direction and select a reference node 2 For each element write constitutive equations that relate element currents to the voltages at the element s terminals 3 For each circuit node except the reference node write a conservation law That is insist that the sum of currents entering a node should be equal to the sum of currents leaving a node In order to use the constraint resolver to solve circuit problems it is helpful to have functions which return constraint procedures associated with a circuit s constitutive equations and conservation laws In the file circuit constraints py there are functions to generate procedures that implement circuit related constraints The resistor and vsrc functions return procedures which implement the constitutive relations associated with a resistor and a voltage source the kcl function returns a procedure which implements the constraint that the signed sum of currents must equal zero and the set ground returns a procedure which implements a constraint forcing a value to zero typically used to force the reference node voltage to be zero Download and test the constraint System The software for this prelab is at the 6 081 web site Download and unzip constraint resolver software and note that there are four python files resolve constraints py and circuit constraints py described above as well as two example circuit files circuit py and circuit2 py Try running the two example circuit files and notice the second example generates an error Fix the error in the second example circuit file the reference node voltage has not been set then draw the resistor and voltage source circuit diagrams associated with the two examples Checkpoint 4 00 PM Show your LA your circuit diagrams and demonstrate that you have fixed the problem in the circuit file Use the constraint resolver Use the constraint resolver to find the node voltages in the following circuit assuming V s 5 0 and R1 R2 R3 R4 V1 R1 R2 V2 Vs V3 R3 R4 Checkpoint 4 30 PM Show your LA your input file for the constraint resolver and demonstrate that the resolver generates the correct result Add the non ideal voltage source The voltage source is an idealized model of a battery All real batteries have some internal resistance and this resistance restricts the current that can be provided by the battery We can model a real battery by creating a more complicated circuit in which we add a resistor in series with an ideal voltage source but one can also generate a single non ideal voltage source constraint Try adding such a constraint to the file circuit

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