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GVPT 170 0101 0116 Fall 2007 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IN A GLOBAL ERA COURSE TEAM Dr Lois T Vietri Lead Professor Guy Ziv Katherine Baxter Sungwook Paik Matthew Spino lvietri umd edu 1141 Tydings office hours M 3 5pm T 5 6pm COURSE OVERVIEW Welcome to our American Government and Politics Learning Community GVPT 170 is a team taught course that meets three times each week twice in a large lecture setting on Mondays and Wednesdays 11 50 and the third meeting is a 50 minute discussion session either on Thursday or Friday Please consult your schedule for your discussion section number that designates time and classroom location The course team works closely to coordinate the weekly lectures and discussions Be advised that the syllabi topics readings guest speaker and special activities may be subject to change Consequently please be vigilant about checking for weekly updates to our course website at http www elms edu This course is interdisciplinary in nature and theoretically and current events driven The course texts daily reading of the newspaper required and suggested viewings and the synthesis provided in lecture and discussion will facilitate your learning in this course We invite each of you to engage this semester in a continuous dialogue about the state of American democracy comparatively and globally COURSE GOALS an appreciation for competing theoretical perspectives in the study of American government and politics an understanding of American political development from a comparative perspective the capacity to critically evaluate the news of the day an understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of American politics using the first year book your maturation as a global citizen through a critical understanding of policy issues using the first year book COURSE EXPECTATIONS We ask you in both lecture and discussion to help us create and sustain a learning community by respecting each other s points of views valuing collaborative learning in lecture discussion and with special projects events maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity www umd edu honorpledge acknowledging the special nature of the large lecture classroom attending lecture and discussions on a regular basis meeting all deadlines and requirements in a timely manner You can expect the following of the GVPT 170 course team to return your assignments and tests in a timely manner to be available for consultation to respect your involvement in the course COURSE TEXTS AND SUPPORTING MATERIALS William F Grover and Joseph G Peschek Voices of Dissent Critical Readings in American Politics 7th edition Mike Tidwell The Ravaging Tide free copies distributed in class Daily reading of an internationally respected newspapers and daily viewing of BBC news GVPT 170 0101 0112 page two GRADING AND EVALUATION Your grade in this course is based on the following 20 discussion group writing exercises and quizzes both announced and unannounced 20 discussion group participation 30 2 hourly examinations 10 first year book activities 20 comprehensive final examination in two parts in class and take home ATTENDANCE POLICY A fully functioning learning community depends on the presence and contributions of every one of its members in the large lecture class as well as the Thursday and Friday discussion sections ACADEMIC INTEGRITY UMCP has a nationally recognized Code of Academic Integrity administered by the Student Honor Council This Code sets standards for academic integrity at UMCP for all undergraduate and graduate students As a student you are responsible for upholding these standards for this course It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating fabrication facilitation or plagiarism For more information on the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council please visit http www studenthonorcouncil umd edu whatis html ACCOMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES We are happy to work with you if you need special arrangements Please note that a written request for accommodations is required Please have the appropriate paperwork for test taking at DSS given to Dr Vietri a week prior to all examinations Thank you If you have any questions or concerns regarding UMCP disability documentation please contact Disability Support Services at 314 7682 SCHEDULE OF LECTURE TOPICS READINGS VIDEOS AND OTHER ASSIGNMENTS Every effort will be made to have lectures posted before class on www elms umd edu August 29 Welcome to Our Learning Community and Course Expectations Reading skim texts and carefully review the syllabus August 30 31 No discussion group meetings September 5 Origins of American Political Principles and American Exceptionalism Reading www elms umd edu Grover and Peschek chapter 3 pp 77 83 September 6 7 Discussion group topic The American democracy and the American dream Reading Grover and Peschek pp 42 54 Tidwell chapter 1 first year book Viewing An Inconvenient Truth HBK Nonprint QC981 8G56I53 September 10 The U S Constitution as an Eighteenth Century Document Reading www elms umd edu Grover and Peschek chapter 3 pp 84 104 298 302 and appendix GVPT 170 page three September 12 American Federalism Reading www elms umd edu September 13 14 Discussion group topic fend for yourself federalism in America Reading www elms umd edu September 17 Political Culture Political Socialization and Public Opinion Reading www elms umd edu www gallop com Grover and Peschek chapter 2 September 19 The Mass Media Reading www elms umd edu www poynter org Grover and Peschek pp 105 128 September 20 21 Discussion group topic The Politics of Mass Media in America Reading Grover and Peschek pp 129 145 September 24 Interest Groups and Social Movements Reading www elms umd edu www influenceatwork com Grover and Peschek pp 8 18 September 26 First Examination September 27 28 Discussion group topic social movements and political change Reading www elms umd edu October 1 Political Parties in America Reading www elms umd edu October 3 The Election Process in America Reading www elms umd edu Grover and Peschek chapter 5 October 4 5 Discussion group topic The race for the 2008 presidency Reading www elms umd edu October 8 Congress and its Members Reading www webmail umd edu www house gov www senate gov October 10 Congressional Policymaking Reading www elms umd edu Grover and Peschek pp 184 203 GVPT 170 page four October 11 12 Discussion group topic How well does Congress represent us Reading www elms umd edu Grover and Peschek pp

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