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Hwk 6 Add 1 Investment Return The rate of return X on an investment is normally distributed with mean of 30 and standard deviation of 10 What is the probability that the return will exceed 55 Less than 22 9 15 09 Hwk 6 Additional Problems 1 Hwk 6 Add 2 Entrance Exam The time it takes to finish a standard entrance exam is normally distributed with a mean of 60 minutes and a standard deviation of 8 minutes What is the probability that a student will finish the exam between 60 and 70 minutes How much time does it take for 95 of the students to finish the entrance exam Is the answer unique Why 9 15 09 Hwk 6 Additional Problems 2 Hwk 6 Add 3 Women Basketball Players The heights of young women follow N 64 5 2 5 A coach wants to select women basketball players whose heights are among the top 10 of the young women population What s the minimum height to be selected 9 15 09 Hwk 6 Additional Problems 3

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