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1a The percentage of Americans residing below the poverty threshold 0 149 The percentage of Americans who are fluent in a language other than English 203 The percentage of Americans who belong to both categories Allow us to establish the parameters of the occurrences 44 Answer No the question would not be considered disjoint because there are people living below the poverty line and speaking a language other than English at home As well the reasoning that there is at least a 4 3 commonality 1b 1c 10 24 1d 20 7 14 6 4 2 31 1 1e 68 9 3 10 1a 07914 1b 097 1c 762 3 16 1a Having optimal physical well being and possessing health insurance are not mutually exclusive as they can coexist simultaneously The probability of an individual having outstanding health can be determined by summing the probabilities of individuals with excellent health both with and without health insurance 1b The likelihood of an individual possessing exceptional health can be calculated by adding together the probabilities of individuals with good health regardless of whether they have health insurance or not The likelihood is indeterminate or undetermined The numerical value 2329 can be equivalently represented as 23 29 1c The conditional probability of an individual having great health assuming that they have health coverage is 0 2099 or 20 99 1d The conditional likelihood of an individual having exceptional health given that he does not have health coverage is unknown The value is 2 3 or 0 0230 1e The presence of health insurance and the attainment of optimal health are not mutually exclusive as the possession of health insurance alters the likelihood of achieving great health 3 20 a The probability that a randomly selected person who tests positive for the predisposition by the test actually has the predisposition is P predisposition positive 0 99 0 03 0 0491 From the given data P predisposition 0 03 P no predisposition 1 0 03 0 97 P positive predisposition 0 99 P negative predisposition 1 0 99 0 01 P negative no predisposition 0 98 P positive no predisposition 1 0 98 0 02 Now P positive 0 99 0 03 0 02 0 97 0 0297 0 0194 0 0491 The probability that a randomly selected person tests positive for the predisposition by the test and actually has the predisposition 0 6049

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