TAMU MUSC 201 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Exam 2 Study Guide Music and the Human Experience with Professor Kattari Extra credit add 5 classical songs and movie autobiography report due March 31 Late Baroque 1700 1750 The Basso continuo describes the chords and bass line used to accompany most Baroque music The gods and heroes in opera seria reflect the nobility of those at the top of the social structure We read Charles Burney s biography of Farinelli a famous castrato who established his reputation when he won a musical duel with a trumpet He was born in Italy In class we saw reconstructions of him performing in operas in England Castrato could play the roles of heroes and lovers o Because of their androgynous nature they were thought to be more susceptible to love and emotion o Baroque audiences loved anything extravagant and a person who alters his body for the sake of art is extravagant In da capo arias the last section is not performed like the first section Lutheran chorales In Baroque era performers were expected to improvise and show off during performances Common practice harmony was standardized by 1700 The string section was the most important family of instruments in Baroque era Doctrine of Affections was the culture of the Baroque music Instrumental music became something more than background accompaniment Music became much more available to paying public Lully was responsible for modernizing the orchestra in the Baroque era Four seasons has four movements Ritornello returning theme Handel was born in Germany learned to write operas in Italy and settled in England Handel switched to writing oratorios b c operas weren t profitable Suites are dancing music but only for listening Classical Era 1750 Classical era was the revival of Greek classical ideas logic reason questioning authority and social justice Joseph II was an enlightened ruler Classical Era was centralized in Vienna A symphony has 4 movements A symphony has four movements I fast sonata form allegro is fast II slow something form andante is slow III fast triple meter form like minuet or scherzo allegro is fast IV lively rondo form vivace is very lively Music became available to amateurs and as a career opportunity Salons intimate gathering of intellectual middle class for debates Haydn worked for one royal family for 30 years Marriage of Figaro opera was based on the story of a play that had already been banned by the Emperor for causing conflict between different classes In Baroque harpsichord in Classical pianoforte Lila name of ceremony for inducing trance and comes from West Africa and follow Gnawa Gnawa music would be found in Morocco while you should go to Turkey to trace the origins of whirling dervishes o Spinning around for hours achieves trance like state to reach enlightenment

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TAMU MUSC 201 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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