2 28 Music and the Human Experience with Professor Kattari Extra credit add 5 classical songs and movie autobiography report due March 31 Scherzo lively minuet variation Mozart s other Opera Buffas The Abduction from the Seraglia in class example o Mocking Italian opera serias and cast o Set in Turkish harem o In German language vernacular marriage of Figaro another in class example o Banned by Emperor o Criticizes opera seria o Feared classes clashing prejudice which resulted in ban o Joseph II did care about the people so he eventually allowed the story o People in classical era began to be tired of old dead legends want normal relatable stories Don Giovanni o About the Don womanizer egotistical dude that ends up in hell Study in nature Mozart s music helps with spatial reasoning o People say that Mozart makes you smarter which is not true o Real conclusion is that any music that positively affects your brain is positive o Lowers cortisol increases serotonin reduces stress and anxiety especially for pre operations surgeries Always look on the bright side of life test for basketball players If they listened to this before shooting they made more shots o Increases production of antibodies boost immunity o Releases endorphins natural pain killers o Surge of dopamine pleasure and alertness o Beta waves concentration o Alpha waves relaxation o Meditation trance o Enhanced exercise Music Therapy For alzeihmer s parkinsons tourettes autism stroke victim and injury recovery o Kenny Roger s effect Cognitive impairments lessened while listening to music o Relearn how to walk while listening to music therapy Predictability of beat Reaches neural pathway deep in brain unconscious moment of body o Relearn how to talk by singing o Prevents seizures o Returns lost memories o Cures addictions get pleasure from music Music in War sonic and psychological force Oud music used to scare enemies o Can make troops sound bigger o Vietnam War Flight of the Valkyries Apocalypse Now Movie Has become an iconic tradition o Body prepares for fight or flight o Music used to pump up or relax soldiers Music and Torture Loud repetitive inesecapable o Sleep deprivation disorientation o Adrenaline rush and high blood pressure o Loss of sanity o Sense of hopelessness o Rousted out Noriega o Creates homesickness How to resist o Perceive it as music rather than noise o Talk to yourself
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