Basics of Object Orientation 4 27 2011 Opening Discussion Do you have any questions about the quiz Minute essay comments Two paths of the same length No path to exit Not retracing steps Nothing can go wrong with me writing the code Wishful thinking on the part of one student Mazes Finishing shortest path Adding breadcrumbs Slow in the worst case because this does all possible paths Superior Sorts We can also use recursion to write some better sorts All of our old sorts could have been written with recursion but only as a substitute for iteration With recursion we can do sorts that work by repeatedly breaking the set down then work recursively on the pieces Do they do the work on the way down the stack or back up Work fairly well on lists Merge Sort Simple description Break the collection in two and make a recursive call on the two halves Merge together the sorted results with an O n merge Can t be done in place but that is advantageous for lists which are immutable O n log n all the time Quick Sort Description Pick a pivot and move everything less than the pivot below and everything greater above Recurse on the two sides of the pivot Can be done in place but Scala collection methods allow very simple form that isn t in place We ll wrote both Speed depends on pivot selection O n log n on average with random data but can be as bad as O n2 with bad pivots Object Orientation We have been dealing with objects all semester but we haven t really faced objectorientation head on The OO paradigm is characterized by encapsulation the grouping of data and functions together into objects The data is called members and the functions are called methods The idea is that an object knows some things and how to do some things Classes Scala is a class based OO language In the code we write classes which act as the blueprints of objects These start just like the case classes we saw before but the word case isn t required Put the body of the class in curly braces after the declaration and arguments Differences from Case Classes Members a private by default so you can only see them in the class Have to be made with new Code in the body of the class is executed immediately Functions defined in the body are methods of the objects Data defined in the class are members of the objects You can make things private Making Objects The class is only a blueprint To get an object we have to instantiate an instance form the class new ClassName arguments This expression can be assigned to values or passed into functions The type is the name of the class Once you have an object you can access members and methods using the dot notation Operators as Methods You can use symbols for method names and use them with operator syntax This lets you do things like a b when a and b are of a type you created Minute Essay Do you have any final requests before the last day of class
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