MIT 6 01 - Assignment 2

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6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 2 1 MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 01 Introduction to EECS I Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 2 Issued Tuesday Sept 11 This handout contains Software Lab for Tuesday September 11 Pre Lab exercises to do before Thursday September 13 at 10AM you can come and do them in lab on Wednesday September 12 Don t forget that Part 2 2 of the on line Tutor problems are also due before Thursday lab Robot Lab for Thursday September 13 read the lab before coming to 34 501 Post lab writeup and exercises due Tuesday September 18 at 10AM Don t forget that Part 2 3 and 2 4 of the on line Tutor problems are also due before Tuesday lecture Higher order procedures Behaviors and utility functions This week s work gives you practice with higher order procedures i e procedures that manipulate other procedures Tuesday s lecture the post class software lab and the on line problems cover Python s support for functional programming Thursday s lab applies higher order procedures to the tasks of specifying robot behaviors with the aid of utility functions Make sure you do athrun 6 01 update so that you can get the Desktop 6 01 lab2 directory which has the files mentioned in this handout 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 2 2 Tuesday Software Lab Higher order procedures At the end of this lab go to the on line Tutor at http sicp csail mit edu 6 01 fall07 choose PS2 and paste all your code including your test cases into the box provided in the Software Lab problem This session gives you practice with Python s basic tools for functional programming higher order procedures and list comprehension A higher order procedure is a procedure that takes procedures as inputs and or returns procedures as results We will be working with a simple model of probability spaces one that we will use later in the course Probability Probability theory is a calculus that allows us to assign numerical assessments of uncertainty to possible events and then do calculations with the numerical assessments in a way that preserves their meaning A similar system that you might be more familiar with is algebra you start with some facts that you know and the axioms of algebra allow certain manipulations that will preserve truth We ll just consider worlds that can be represented by the values of a small number of discrete variables We ll let U be the universe or sample space which is a set of atomic events An atomic event is just an outcome or a way the world could be The universe associated with rolling a normal die once can be written as U 1 2 3 4 5 6 The universe associated with rolling two dice or one die twice can be written as U 1 1 1 2 1 6 6 5 6 6 Atomic events could indicate which room a robot is in and whether the battery is charged or any description of the world under consideration but we are assuming that there are a finite number of possible combinations of values so that the universe is finite An event is a subset of U For example the set of atomic events in which the single die roll result is greater than 3 is an event A probability measure P is a mapping from events to numbers that satisfy the following axioms P U 1 P 0 P A B P A P B P A B Or in English The probability that something will happen is 1 The probability that nothing will happen is 0 The probability that an atomic event in the set A or an atomic event in the set B will happen is the probability that an atomic event of A will happen plus the probability that an atomic event of B will happen minus the probability that an atomic event that is in both A and B will happen because those events effectively got counted twice in the sum of P A and P B 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 2 3 Armed with these axioms we are prepared to do anything that can be done with discrete probability For example consider the universe associated with rolling two fair dice shown above each of the atomic events is equiprobable So each event has probability 1 36 The probability of rolling a pair of twos is P Die1 2 Die2 2 1 36 The probability that the first die is a 2 is P Die1 2 1 6 the sum of 6 atomic events The probability of one of the dice coming up 2 is P Die1 2 Die2 2 P Die1 2 P Die2 2 P Die1 Die2 1 6 1 6 1 36 note that the 2 2 atomic event is included in both events Die1 2 and Die2 2 One more important idea is conditional probability where we ask the probability of some event E1 assuming that some other event E2 is true we do this by restricting our attention to the part of the sample space universe in E2 The conditional probability is the amount of the sample space that is both in E1 and E2 divided by the amount in E2 P E1 E2 P E1 E2 P E2 That is the fraction of the E2 probability that is also in E1 The expression P E1 E2 is read as the conditional probability of E1 given E2 or more loosely the probability of E1 given E2 The expression P E1 E2 is read as the probability of E1 and E2 Manipulating Probability Spaces We re going to build Python models of discrete probability spaces that is sample spaces with corresponding probability measures Concretely we ll represent a probability space as a list of atomic events each with its assigned probability Each element of the probability space which we will call a sample sometimes also known as an outcome will be a list with two elements a probability and the value that defines an atomic event For example to represent the probability space for a standard six sided die we can have dieSpace 1 0 6 1 1 0 6 2 1 0 6 3 1 0 6 4 1 0 6 5 1 0 6 6 The atomic events don t have to be equiprobable We can also model a loaded die loadedDieSpace 1 0 10 1 1 0 10 2 1 0 10 3 1 0 10 4 1 0 10 5 1 0 2 6 It is essential that the probabilities of all of the samples add up to 1 0 as required by the axioms The value used to define an atomic sample could be more complicated e g another list For example if we wanted to represent the probability space for the roll of two fair dice we could have diceSpace 1 0 36 1 1 1 0 36 1 2 1 0 36 1 3 1 0 36 6 6 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 2 4 Think about what …

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