LMU NURS 115 - Lesson Plan: Senses-Comfort

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1 Lincoln Memorial University School of Nursing Nursing 115 UNIT V LESSON PLAN Senses Comfort DATES TIMES See Class Schedule OBJECTIVES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Upon completion of this unit the student will be able to demonstrate in the clinical campus laboratory setting in individual and group conferences and on written materials the ability to Compare factors and assessment behaviors that indicate sensory alterations Explain ways to maintain a safe environment for patients experiencing sensory alterations Apply the nursing process as it relates to patients with an alteration in comfort Identify the major types and components of pain Utilize the nursing process in developing a plan of care for patients experiencing pain Identify the techniques and rationale for selecting pain therapies Utilize therapeutic communication techniques in meeting the needs of patients having comfort needs Describe psychosocial considerations for a patient with comfort needs Identify the physiologic action use side effects and nursing implications of the drugs used in pharmacological management of comfort needs Discuss nonpharmacological pain relief measures Discuss the therapeutic effects of heat and cold applications in the management of pain Identify safety measures that relate to the application of heat and cold Discuss patient education and nursing care of the patient receiving pain management through the use of a PCA pump Identify two common narcotics administered via patient controlled analgesia PCA and nursing considerations related to their use TOPICAL OUTLINE I Sensory Alterations A Assessment of stimuli and behavior related to sensory alterations 1 Types of sensory alterations 2 Conditions of the eye and ear 3 Classes of states of awareness 4 Environmental stimuli 5 Safe environment B Nursing diagnoses related to sensory alterations C Expected outcomes related to sensory alterations D Implementation of nursing care for the patient experiencing sensory alterations 1 Interventions with specific sensory alterations a Visually impaired patient b Hearing impaired patient c Confused patient d Unconscious patient 2 Pharmacological management E Evaluation of interventions for adaptive responses F Documentation 2 II Pain A Nursing process for Comfort 1 Assessment of stimuli and behavior related to pain 1 Major types of pain 2 Components of Pain 2 Nursing diagnosis 3 Outcome planning 4 Implementation 5 Evaluation of interventions for adaptive responses B Documentation III Pain management A Pharmacological 1 Narcotic analgesics Opioids p 50 2 Non narcotic analgesics 3 NSAIDS p 48 4 Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA B Non pharmacological 1 Therapeutic effects of heat and cold 2 Distraction 3 Imagery 4 Relaxation 5 Cutaneous stimulation 6 Acupuncture 7 Hypnosis 8 Biofeedback 9 Therapeutic touch REQUIRED READINGS Handouts re conditions of eye and ear and pharmacological management are forthcoming Karch A 2007 2007 Lippincott s nursing drug guide Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Categories as listed above in IIIA Taylor C Lillis C Lemone P 2008 Fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Chapters 34 and 41 Taylor C Lillis C Lemone P 2008 Study guide to accompany fundamentals of nursing The art and science of nursing care 6th ed Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins Readings to coincide with above chapters CLINICAL SKILLS 1 Provide for the needs of a patient with a sensory alteration 2 Provide nursing care for a patient experiencing pain 3 Assess assigned patient for data pertaining to comfort needs

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LMU NURS 115 - Lesson Plan: Senses-Comfort

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