GVPT 170 American Government Meeting Times Monday 9 00 12 20 Tuesday 9 00 12 20 Wednesday 9 00 12 20 Thursday 9 00 12 20 07 31 06 08 18 06 Contact Information Instructor Kimberly Karnes Office 2126 Tydings Hall Phone 301 405 3650 kkarnes gvpt umd edu Location Francis Scott Key Hall 0125 Office Hours Tuesday 3 00 4 30 PM Wednesday 3 00 4 30 PM By Appointment Course Description This course is a comprehensive study of government in the United States The objective of this class is to examine several of the most common topics in American politics exploring both the historical and current perspectives on the institutions and issues that make American government what we see today By definition a general comprehensive study of American government does not allow for highly in depth study of one topic instead we will cover as much ground as possible highlighting many of the different aspects of American government and politics including but not limited to the institutions of the presidency the legislature and the judiciary public opinion federalstate relations domestic and foreign policy making the Constitution and civil rights and liberties Hopefully you will come away from this course with a better understanding about how government and politics work in our country and how you are affected by politics and how you might be able to contribute to and shape the political process Class Policies Any student who because of a disabling condition believes that he or she needs special assistance in order to complete the requirements for this course should contact the instructor as soon as possible While conditions may arise later in the semester the instructor must be notified as soon as the condition creates a problem not after it has caused the student to miss coursework or other expectations of the student This class as all classes held at the University of Maryland will adhere strictly to the Code of Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating plagiarism fabrication and the facilitation of any of these infractions For more information on the University Policy on academic dishonesty you can find the complete Code of Academic Integrity at http www studenthonorcouncil umd edu code html Penalties for academic dishonesty begin with failure of the course and include the possibility of expulsion from the University All religious observances and other excused absences will be accommodated as long as the instructor is notified in advance In the event of a university accepted excuse appropriate documentation will be required Required and Recommended Texts Wasserman Gary 2004 The Basics of American Politics 12th ed New York Pearson Longman Allyn Bacon 1998 Ten Things Every American Government Student Should Read 2nd ed New York Pearson Longman For each date there are further assigned documents These are required features of the course and their location is listed alongside the entry Course Requirements Current Events Exercise 20 Each week each student will be responsible for finding an article in a daily newspaper that corresponds with a topic that was discussed that week The student is responsible for writing a short summary of the article the topic addressed and how it relates to the material covered in class that week Students should attach the article to the paper they turn in Papers are due each Thursday and students should be prepared each Thursday to discuss their article with the class Senate Simulation 40 As individual and group projects the class will undertake a simulation of the US Senate Each student will be a Senator and will be responsible for sponsoring a bill Each bill will be introduced and will have to work its way through the committee system and onto the floor for deliberation in front of the whole Senate Each student will be responsible for their own bill as well as taking an active role in participating in their party caucus committee assignment and general floor debate voting More information is available in the simulation packet to be handed out in class Final Exam 30 The final exam will include material from the entirety of the course including material covered by student presentations The test will include an identification section short answer and essay questions Participation 10 Attendance without participation cannot happen in this and any class is essential I encourage and enjoy classroom participation both formally and informally Students should feel comfortable to discuss their views on any topic or issue that we discuss in class You must read the materials and be prepared to discuss them in class Questions about the readings lectures and current political events are appropriate for a course like this and encouraged Class Conduct I expect you to take learning seriously Mobile phones should be turned off before the start of class iPods s Blackberry s pagers any electronic device that might interrupt class should be turned off or put on silent at the beginning of the course The instructor reserves the right to answer any phone that rings in class Computers in class are allowed so long as they are used for class purposes and not to play games Any behavior that disrupts the learning process will not be tolerated and may result in me asking you to leave class Course Outline M 7 31 Introduction American Ideology and Democracy Wasserman Chapter 1 T 8 1 US Constitution and Federalism Wasserman Chapter 2 Allyn Bacon Chapters 1 and 2 W 8 2 The Legislative Branch Congress Wasserman Chapter 4 Allyn Bacon Chapter 4 Th 8 3 The Executive Branch The Presidency Current Events Exercise Due Wasserman Chapter 5 Allyn Bacon Chapter 3 M 8 7 Civil Rights and Liberties Wasserman Chapter 6 Allyn Bacon Chapters 9 10 T 8 8 Voters and Political Parties Wasserman Chapter 7 Allyn Bacon Chapter 8 W 8 9 Public Opinion Interest Groups Wasserman Chapter 8 Allyn Bacon Chapter 7 Th 8 10 Political Parties and Elections Current Events Exercise Due Wasserman Chapter 7 Allyn Bacon Chapter 6 M 8 14 Who Wins Who Loses Wasserman Chapter 9 selected articles selections on the electorate T 8 15 Current Events Exercise Due Final Day of Legislative Session Exam Review W 8 16 Study Day time to finish your Final Bill Report Th 8 17 Final Exam Afternoon Session Final Bill Report Due
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