Rutgers University MS 552 - Study notes on infrared- IR , sea surface temperature- SST ,imaging and ocean color

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Study notes on infrared IR sea surface temperature SST imaging and ocean color Sea surface temperature Applications Boundary condition to weather and climate forecasting and analysis Visualization of ocean circulation Upwelling eddies fronts geostrophic turbulence ENSO Data assimilation in ocean forecasting models Climate variability analysis Tech IR instruments AVHRR MODIS ATSR Satellite platforms NOAA n METOP Terra Aqua ERS Envisat GOES METEOSAT Resolution 300 m for ATSR 1 km for AVHRR 5 km for sensors of geostationary satellites like current generation of GOES IR channels for SST Wavelengths of emitted radiation depend on black body temperature earth emits mostly in the IR Wien s Law IR radiation reaching a satellite depends on emission from SST but also by the intervening atmosphere gases water vapor clouds and aerosols Transmittance of atmosphere in IR varies significantly with wavelength because of absorption by various gases there are a few windows small ranges of wavelength in which there is high transmittance e g 3 5 micrometers 10 8 micrometers 12 micrometers IR imagers use a set of channels the wavelengths detected by the instrument which are windows in transmittance and also have a strong signal i e near the center of the blackbody spectrum of the emitted radiation at 10 and 12 micrometers or sensitivity to temperature i e where the emittance spectrum changes rapidly with SST at 3 5 micrometers Other things you should know 3 5 micrometers is short enough to include some reflected sunlight so becomes an unreliable channel during daytime Absorption coefficient an inverse length scale of IR in water is 10 6 m so emittance is from surface 1 mircometer only IR shows the skin temperature but is typically reported as a bulk temperature because of the way the algorithm is calibrated against 1 m depth in situ observations from drifting buoys moorings and ships A split window algorithm uses IR observations in multiple channels to account for absorption of IR in the atmosphere Clouds obscure IR so need to be identified in data Cloud tops are cold temperatures less that zero are not water SST tends to vary modestly on length scales of a few km so large consistencies between adjacent pixels may indicate the presence of patchy clouds In a multipixel view taking the warmest or say 95 percentile value temperature is another strategy to excluding values biased cold by the presence of sub km scale cloud Volcanic aerosols can lower apparent temperature by as much as 0 5 to 2 degrees Study notes on CODAR HF radio frequencies roughly 5 to 45 MHz with range of operation from 200 km to 20 km respectively Bragg scattering causes signal to be dominated by a narrow range of ocean surface wave with wavelengths in the range 6 m for 25 MHz CODAR to 30 m for 5 MHz CODAR Ocean wave theory gives the speed at which ocean waves travel as a function of their wavelength Because of the Bragg scattering phenomenon we know which ocean waves are being imaged and how fast they travel is there is no ocean current The speed of the waves Doppler shifts the radio reflection Spectrum processing reveals two peaks almost centered on the radio carrier frequency a peak Doppler shifted to higher frequency corresponds to the ocean waves approaching the receiver There is a similar peak shifted to lower frequency for ocean waves traveling away from the receive antenna If the two peaks are not exactly centered on the carrier frequency there is an added Doppler shift due to an ocean current flowing toward or away from the antenna With two or more receive antennas components of the ocean current in multiple directions can be estimated and the total vector velocity computed The data are geospatially located with two aspects to the system design Azimuth or angle in the horizontal around the receive antenna is determined by having multiple loops with different directional gain With a known directional gain the azimuth of the target can be determined Range or distance offshore from the receive antenna is determined by modulating the transmitted signal with a swept frequency carrier signal and demodulating it properly in the receiver The time delay between transmit and receive is then converted to a largescale frequency shift in the echo signal The first step in digital spectral analysis of the signal extracts the range or distance to the sea surface Bragg scatterers and sorts it into range bins These bins are typically 1 to 12 km in width The Doppler processing is applied to the signals that have been separated into each range bin Data are typically processed for 4 to 20 minutes to reduce noise to a level capable of resolving the Doppler shift peaks in the spectrum Then the ocean current estimates are averaged for 1 to 3 hours to produce the final radial current estimate for each range azimuth bin The ocean current estimate is for the flow in the top 0 5 for 48 MHz systems to 2 m for 5 MHz systems of the water Higher frequency systems have less range but better spatial resolution High frequency 48 MHz systems tend to be used near port entrances where detailed current patterns aid navigation Range is about 20 km Resolution is 0 25 to 1 km Lower frequency 5 MHz systems are used in networks along coasts to image currents well offshore Range is about 200 km Resolution is 6 12 km Ocean Color Applications Observation of ocean phytoplankton biomass dissolved organic matter particulate carbon suspended sediment Derived products include net primary productivity What makes the ocean colored Phytoplankton pigment colored dissolved organic matter CDOM organic detritus silt clay Case 1 waters refers to open ocean where color is dominated by phytoplankton and their detritus Case 2 waters refers to coastal regions where CDOM and suspended inorganic silt clay are also optically significant Ocean color sensors view reflected light The ocean does not emit visible colors Inherent Optical Properties IOP such as absorption due to pigments are independent of the light source Transport conservation equations can be derived for IOP because the mix and diffuse according to their concentration Apparent Optical Properties AOP are how the reflectance varies depending on illumination angle and scattering within the water Can be computed from the radiative transfer equation Different pigments absorb light at different wavelengths Ocean color sensors have multiple narrow wavelength bands to allow discrimination between different pigments to build

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Rutgers University MS 552 - Study notes on infrared- IR , sea surface temperature- SST ,imaging and ocean color

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