MIT 6 006 - Study Notes

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Introduction to Algorithms 6 006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professors Ron Rivest and Srini Devadas October 23 2007 Handout 13 Problem Set 4 This problem set is due November 6 at 11 59PM Solutions should be turned in through the course website in PS or PDF form using LATEX or scanned handwritten solutions or they may be handwritten and turned in to a member of the 6 006 course staff on or before the due date Hand drawn diagrams may also be referenced in your LATEX writeup and turned in at the next day s recitation A template for writing up solutions in LATEX is available on the course website Exercises are for extra practice and should not be turned in Exercises Exercise 6 1 3 from CLRS Exercise 6 2 1 from CLRS Exercise 6 3 1 from CLRS Exercise 6 4 1 from CLRS Exercise 6 4 3 from CLRS Exercise 6 5 4 from CLRS Exercise 8 2 2 from CLRS Exercise 8 4 1 from CLRS 1 12 points Heap Delete The operation H EAP D ELETE A i deletes the item in node i from heap A Give a pseudocode implementation of H EAP D ELETE that runs in O lg n time for an n element maxheap using notation similar to p 140 of CLRS you may choose to use Python syntax 2 Monotone Priority Queues A monotone priority queue MPQ is a data structure that supports the following operations M AX Q Returns the maximum element in Q The maximum of a new empty MPQ is initially Otherwise the maximum of an empty MPQ is the last element to have been deleted Note that M AX Q leaves the elements of Q unchanged 2 Handout 13 Problem Set 4 D ELETE M AX Q If Q is empty returns M AX Q Otherwise removes and returns M AX Q If the queue is empty after the operation the last deleted value remains the maximum In other words M AX Q is monotonically decreasing and does not reset when the MPQ is empty I NSERT Q x Inserts x into Q given that x M AX Q If x M AX Q then the MPQ is not modified For this problem assume that x is an integer in the range 0 k for some fixed integer value k a 9 points Give an implementation of a monotone priority queue that takes O m log m time to perform m operations starting with an empty data structure b 9 points Give an implementation of a monotone priority queue that takes O m k time to perform m total operations Hint Use an idea from C OUNTING S ORT 3 Gas Simulation In this problem we consider a simulation of n bouncing balls in two dimensions inside a square box Each ball has a mass and radius as well as a position x y and velocity vector which they follow until they collide with another ball or a wall Collisions between balls conserve energy and momentum This model can be used to simulate how the molecules of a gas behave for example The box is 8192 by 8192 units wide and each ball has a maximum radius of 128 units The initial code featuring an interactive graphical simulation is given to you at http courses csail mit edu 6 006 fall07 source gas py You may need to install the pygame module available from http pygame org for graphics if you don t already have it You may notice that performance indicated by the simulation steps per second rate slows down significantly as you increase the number of balls Your goal is to improve the running time of the detect collisions function which computes whether pairs of balls collide two balls are said to collide if they overlap and dispatches to the handle collision function to compute the new ball velocities You do not need to worry about handle collision For this problem there is no single right answer We d like you to explore the techniques we ve introduced in class to improve the running time of the simulation a 3 points What is the running time of detect collisions in terms of n the number of balls Do not include the time used by handle collision b 15 points Write a more efficient detect collisions routine To be correct it must still detect any collisions The code provided does correctly calculate whether balls collide so you can use it to compare against your results Submit your version of gas py containing an improved detect collisions routine You may find the option to automatically pause after a certain number of timesteps useful as well as the count of total collisions to spot if something is wrong Handout 13 Problem Set 4 3 c 9 points Explain how your detect collisions algorithm is asymptotically faster than the original implementation We do not expect a formal proof here but give justifications where you can Again do not include the time used by handle collision d 3 points After 2048 timesteps what is the ratio of the increase in simulation steps per second of your version compared to the given code for n 100 n 200 How many total collisions are counted in each case For this problem use the interface at the starting screen to set the number of balls and to pause at 2048 steps

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