UMD GVPT 170 - Syllabus

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American Government Government and Politics 170 Section 201 Instructor Jesse Douglas Mathewson Meeting Times Monday 12 30 3 50 PM Wednesday 12 30 3 50 PM 07 17 06 08 27 06 Contact Information Jesse Douglas Mathewson Room 5143 Tydings Hall 301 405 4131 jessmath umd edu Location Tydings Hall 1108 Office Hours Monday 4 30 5 30 PM Wednesday 4 30 5 30 PM By Appointment Course Description This course is a comprehensive study of government in the United States The objective of this class is to present contemporary debates in American politics while unearthing the historical and structural components that frame the issue Put another way my goal is to bridge the gap between the old and the new the practical and the academic I as instructor shall challenge you to understand not only what is happening in the nation but to understand why and who is responsible Moreover I will encourage you to consider the many struggles and conflicts in American politics power vs liberty unity vs federalism civil rights vs social structure economic development vs social welfare et al After successfully completing this course you will come away with deeper understanding of this nation as well as the forces that have guided it through history to the present day The structure of the class will incorporate lectures as well as a heavy emphasis on discussion yes even dissent and group activity I expect you to work hard and actively engage in the learning process and I shall do my best to engage each and every student individually I will challenge you to think speak and write to your utmost potential on a wide range of subjects Therefore I expect you to attend each class and discussion to be punctual and respectful of all participants and to be prepared with your reading and any due assignments as well This class is a CORE class for the Distributive Studies requirement Accordingly this class aims to demonstrate the distinct and diverse perspectives that shape our understanding of America and American Government how different cultural and historical backgrounds affect these perspectives how these perspectives change over time and how to think research and understand phenomena as a political scientist CORE initiatives based on About Satisfying the CORE Requirements at http www ugst umd edu core elements SatisCo html Class Policies I shall do my best to accommodate students with disabilities I ask that you inform me by Monday July the 24th I understand that newly arising conditions may also interfere with your scholarship However you must notify us of these events as they occur and not after they have caused you to miss important coursework such as tests or papers Your instructor will in no way tolerate academic dishonesty to any extent or in any form Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating plagiarism fabrication and the facilitation of any of these infractions For a full explanation of the University policy on academic dishonesty please consult the Code of Academic Integrity at http www inform umd edu campusinfo department jpo code acinteg html Penalties for academic dishonesty begin with failure of this course and include the possibility of expulsion from the University This policy will be administered fairly and indiscriminately without regard to personal situation progress at the University or any other extraneous condition All religious observances will be accommodated so long as the instructor is notified in advance In the event of another University accepted excuse please notify me as soon as possible Required Course Materials Required Texts Greenberg and Page The Struggle for Democracy Seventh Edition John Rourke You Decide Third Edition Required Sources For each section there are further assigned documents These are required features of the course and their location is listed alongside the entry Exams and Grading Four Brief Exercises 10 each Four half hour benchmark exercises determine a significant portion of your grade These short tests will alternatively consist of either a few topic identification questions or a single essay Material from previous weeks is in play for these exercises but to a small and reasonable extent Cumulative Exercise 20 The final exam will include material from the entirety of the course This test will include a short identification section and three essays of moderate length You will have two hours for the exam Review sheets and sample questions will be available before the testing date Written Exercise 20 The written exercise is a 5 to 7 page response to a topic that engages a contemporary political debate while employing a strong understanding of the American political process I plan to collaborate with you on the formation of possible topics and research questions as well as other guidelines regarding this assignment Discussion and Participation 20 Your participation grade consists of attendance and contribution to discussion sections Your baseline participation grade is equal to the proportion of classes attended For example 80 attendance equals a baseline score of 16 20 I may add or subtract points to this baseline in relation to the quantity and quality of your in class contributions Course Outline Unit I The Foundation of American Politics Democracy s seven hundred and fifty year journey M 7 17 Introduction W 7 19 The Constitutional Tradition I Struggle for Democracy pp 45 48 The Changing Constitution Summary The Magna Carta Overview Preamble Sections 1 8 21 22 28 30 34 http www archives gov exhibits featured documents magna carta index html http www archives gov exhibits featured documents magna carta translation html The 1689 English Declaration of Rights http www yale edu lawweb avalon england htm The Constitution of Virginia Sections 1 16 http www yale edu lawweb avalon states va05 htm The Declaration of Independence Struggle for Democracy A 2 The Articles of Confederation http www yale edu lawweb avalon artconf htm Struggle for Democracy pp 5 13 Democracy and American Politics and pp 25 30 Politics of the Revolutionary Era M 7 24 The Constitutional Tradition II You Decide Chapters 1 2nd Amendment 2 Medical Marijuana and 21 Amending the Constitution to Bar Gay Marriage The Federalist Papers 1 http www yale edu lawweb avalon federal fed01 htm 10 51 and 78 Struggle for Democracy A 13 onward The Anti federalist Papers 1 10 51 and 78 http www thisnation com library antifederalist The Constitution of the United States Struggle for Democracy A 4 to A 8

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UMD GVPT 170 - Syllabus

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