ECU HIST 1051 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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HIST 1051 Edition 2nd Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 5 Lecture 1 January 16 How did Northerners view the South after the Civil War Two schools of thought emerged the moderates and the radicals The moderates were more lineate with the southerners Confederates allowing them to rejoin the Union with no punishment The radicals viewed the southerners much more harshly and argued that they should be punished for their succession Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson both favored the moderates What was Andrew Johnson s plan for Reconstruction Former Confederates must swear allegiance to the U S and gain personal pardons in order to rejoin the U S Johnson also enforced the abolition of slavery What three amendments were considered the Civil War amendments 13th Amendment outlawed slavery 14th Amendment gave equal protection under the law to everyone protected blacks from black codes no one is above or below the law 15th Amendment right to vote to all men regardless of race color etc These three amendments established our nation s core values liberty equality democracy Who were the KKK These groups were made up of Confederates who attempted to scare former slaves into not voting In what ways did Confederates keep former slaves and poor whites in bondage after the Civil War After the war the abolition of slavery created a need for labor by white land owners and a need for work by blacks and poor whites Blacks and poor whites became sharecroppers This new labor system provided a way for whites to exploit cheap labor done by blacks and poor whites Elite whites also enacted Jim Crow laws laws that restricted the voting rights of African Americans and poor whites by requiring them to pay poll taxes and take literacy tests Poor whites later gained voting rights through the enactment of the grandfather clause if you or anyone in your family voted prior to 1865 you can vote The Supreme Court case Plessy versus Ferguson further divided blacks and whites by making it lawful to create separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites Terms Black Codes Sharecroppers Jim Crow 14th Amendment 15th Amendment KKK Andrew Johnson Lecture 2 January 21 What is Industrialization Industrialization involved the move from skilled labor to highly repetitive unskilled labor Industrialization brought the work into the factories It began in England after the Civil War It brought new technology enabling factories to produce goods by the masses for less money In factories goods were produced by machines as opposed to by hand What were some of the major causes of Industrialization The United States had a vast amount of natural resources such as oil which could be used for cars and in factories What were some of the consequences of Industrialization Industrialization divided people into new distinguishable class systems the captains of industry upper class the middle class and the factory workers lower working class Members of the upper class included corporate owners such as Carnegie Rockefeller and Morgan Members of the middle class enjoyed financial stability leisure time and consumerism Members of the lower class were controlled by the factories in which they worked They worked long hours in unsafe conditions for very little pay New schools of thought emerged such as the Gospel of Success people s financial status correlated with the effort they put forth and Social Darwinism class system was the result of a natural process in society There was also need for a Conservation Movement as a result of the depletion of many of the United States natural resources Many technological innovations emerged such as the telegraph telephone light bulb and the railroad system Industrialization also brought along the rise of corporations of which individuals were given the opportunity to obtain partial ownership What were the Knights of Labor The Knights of Labor was the first national union Members challenged the Gospel of Success and worked to gain labor rights What promoted immigration to the U S What were the consequences of immigration Many immigrants moved into urban areas looking for jobs in factories creating large metropolitan cities Many immigrants came to the U S for economic opportunity religious freedom and to avoid forced military responsibilities While corporations encouraged immigration many labor unions disliked immigrants because they brought competition for jobs and pay The South saw very little immigration because they had very few factories Many immigrants lived at the very core of cities where housing was poor and disease spread rapidly Terms Industrialization Thomas Edison Andrew Carnegie Knights of Labor Darwinism Ellis Island Lecture 3 February 4 What were the three largest groups who traveled west Individual and corporate miners traveled west to make use of the natural resources to get rich quick Cattlemen and farmers also traveled west to escape the industrialization of the east In the west they experienced much harsher conditions than back east including drought bad weather and isolation What problems with the Native American population did settlers face when trying to move out west Native Americans lived nomadic lifestyles They moved from place to place based upon migrations of the buffalo The Native Americans lifestyle of constant movement made it impossible for U S citizens to settle and claim lands in the West The buffalo also presented a problem because they were an obstruction to the railroads How did the U S government solve the issues among them and the Native Americans The U S government sent representatives to try to convince the Native American tribes to settle on Indian Reservations This process was known as concentration To eliminate the buffalo problem U S citizens began slaughtering masses of the buffalo These slaughters also prevented the need for Native Americans to continue their nomadic lifestyle What were the Plains Wars The Plains Wars were a series of conflicts between tribal nations and the U S over land rights in the Western U S One famous battle was that of Little Big Horn During this battle U S Colonel George Custer led his men in an attempt to massacre the Sioux tribe because of their refusal to live on reservations The Native Americans won the battle killing Custer in the process After the battle the U S government sent more representatives to force the remaining Sioux to live on reservations Other notable battles include those of Nez Perce and the Apaches What was the ghost

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