GSU PHYS 1111K - 2VectorsAns

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name ID Experiment 2 Vectors F1 1 F2 2 Experimental Results E E Graphical Results length of R R R E E Analytical Results R R E E Show equations and sample calculations 4 points 1 Four Pulleys Data Weight Angle Fx Fy F1 F2 F3 F4 Totals R Show equations and sample calculations 4 points 2 In this experiment you used two systems of describing vectors in two dimensions Can you think of times where the Cartesian or polar coordinate system would be easier or more convenient to use How would you specify a vector in three dimensins for each of these systems Questions 1 List three vector quantities that you have encountered so far this semester 2 points 2 A chain that can support 2000 N is suspended between two trees A 200 kg motor hangs from the middle The slack in the chain makes each half slant upward 20 See the diagram Will the chain break Hint You want to solve for T the tension on the chain Treat the middle of the chain like the center post of the force table You do not need to find the forces in the x direction to solve the problem 4 points 3 3 List at least two professions that you think would require understanding how to do vector addition 2 points 4 Pick one of the professions you listed for the last question What vector quantities would that person need to add What would be the consequences of a mistake Be very specific in your answers 4 points 4

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GSU PHYS 1111K - 2VectorsAns

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