Rutgers University MS 552 - Remote Sensing Study Sheet

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Remote Sensing Study Sheet Orbital mechanics and CODAR study slides Basic terminology Sensor types active or passive scanning or non scanning imaging or non imaging sounding Scanners whisk broom conical scan push broom limb scanner Resolution spatial spectral temporal radiometric Key terms IFOV nadir swath zenith angle optical depth transmittance What is the meaning and significance of Planck s function Radiative transfer absorptance plus reflectance plus transmittance equals unity Weather Radar Topics What is the difference between Radar Reflectivity and Effective Reflectivity Factor Z How do you compute dBZ What types of weather are associated with values of dBZ Why does the power returned to the radar receiver always decrease with distance as the pulse moves away from the radar Why is it necessary to average the returns from many pulses to detect a radar echo from a distant target What is the relationship between radar pulse period and range resolution How can we measure the wind profile in clear air What is the target for clear air radar What variable governs the intensity of the echo for clear air radar and how is the radar reflectivity of a clear air radar depend upon radar wavelenght What is Bragg scatter and why is it important for clear air radars How does a wind profiler work and what are the frequencies of operation of wind profilers and clear air radars Clear air 50 MHz 449 MHz and 915 MHz only What is the transmit wavelength of the WSR 88D and why is it both a precipitation and clear air radar What are the two pulse lengths used in the WSR 88D What is the current horizontal resolution of the WSR 88D radar What is ground clutter and why is it worse when there are strong low level inversions What is the meaning of the critical angle angle What is a Z R relationship Are there drawbacks to this approach What is the difference between Base and Composite Radar Reflectivity Why is snow difficult to detect with non polarized scanning radars What causes the radar bright band What is the zero isodop Doppler scan interpretations How can turning of the wind with height be determined from the WSR 88D How is the detection of rotation in the atmosphere dependent upon distance from the radar Targets moving toward away from a Doppler Radar increase decrease the frequency of the echo relative to the return What is Storm Relative Velocity and how is it used

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Rutgers University MS 552 - Remote Sensing Study Sheet

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