MIT 6 01 - Algorithms and Complexity

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6 081 Spring Semester 2007 Lecture 4 Notes 1 MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 081 Introduction to EECS I Spring Semester 2007 Lecture 4 Notes Algorithms and Complexity Problems and Algorithms In computer science we speak of problems algorithms and implementations These things are all related but not the same and it s important to understand the difference and keep straight in our minds which one we re talking about 1 Generally speaking a problem is defined by a goal we d like to have this list of numbers sorted to map an image represented by an array of digital pictures into a string describing the image in English or to compute the nth digit of The goals are about a pure computational problem in which inputs are provided and an output is produced rather than about an interactive process between computer and world So for example we wouldn t consider keep the robot driving down the center of the hallway to be an algorithmic goal That s a great and important type of goal but needs to be treated with a different view as we shall see An algorithm is a step by step strategy for solving a problem It s sometimes likened to a recipe but the strategy can involve potentially unboundedly many steps controlled by iterative or recursive contructs like do something until a condition happens Generally algorithms are deterministic but there is an important theory and practice of randomized algorithms An algorithm is correct if it terminates with an answer that satisfies the goal of the problem There can be many different algorithms for solving a particular problem you can sort numbers by finding the smallest then the next smallest etc or your can sort them by dividing them into two piles all the big ones in one all the small ones in another then dividing those piles etc In the end these methods both solve the problem but they involve very different sets of steps There is a formal definition of the class of algorithms as being made up of basic computational steps and a famous thesis due to Alonzo Church and Alan Turing that any function that could possibly be computed can be done so by a Turing machine which is equivalent to what we know of as a computer but with a potentially infinite memory An implementation is an actual physical instantiation of an algorithm It could be a particular computer program in Python or Scheme or FORTRAN or a special purpose circuit or my personal favorite the consequence of a bunch of water driven valves and fountains in your garden There is some latitude in going from an algorithm to an implementation we usually expect the implementation to have freedom to choose the names of variables or whether to use for or while or recursion as long as the overall structure and basic number and type of steps remains the same It is very important to maintain these distinctions When you are approaching a problem that requires a computational solution the first step is to state a problem goal clearly and accurately When you re doing that don t presuppose the solution you might add some extra requirements that your real problem doesn t have and thereby exclude some reasonable solutions 1 This distinction is nicely described in David Marr s book Vision 6 081 Spring Semester 2007 Lecture 4 Notes 2 Given a problem statement you can consider different algorithms for solving the problem Algorithms can be better or worse along different dimensions they can be slower or faster to run be easier or harder to implement or require more or less memory In the following we ll consider the running time requirements of some different algorithms It s also important to consider that for some problems there may not be any algorithm that is even reasonably efficient that can be guaranteed to get the exact solution to your problem Finding the minimum value of a function for example is generally arbitrarily difficult In such cases you might also have to consider trade offs between the efficiency of an algorithm and the quality of the solutions it produces Once you have an algorithm you can decide how to implement it These choices are in the domain of software engineering unless you plan to implement it using fountains or circuits The goal will be to implement the algorithm as stated with goals of maintaining efficiency as well as minimizing time to write and debug the code and making it easy for other software engineers to read and modify Computational Complexity Here s a program for adding the integers up to n def sumInts n count 0 while i n count count n return count How long do we expect this program to run Answering that question in detail requires a lot of information about the particular computer we re going to run it on what other programs are running at the same time who implemented the Python interpreter etc We d like to be able to talk about the complexity of programs without getting into quite so much detail We ll do that by thinking about the order of growth of the running time That is as we increase something about the problem how does the time to compute the solution increase To be concrete here let s think about the order of growth of the computation time as we increase n the number of integers to be added up In actual fact on some particular computer with no other processes running this program would take some time R n to run on an input of size n This is too specific to be useful as a general characterization instead we ll say that Definition 1 For a process that uses resources R n for a problem of size n R n has an order of growth f n if there are positive constants k1 and k2 independent of n such that k1 f n R n k2 f n for n sufficiently large To get an idea of what this means let s explore the assertion that our sumInts program has order of growth n This means that there are some constants let s imagine 5 and 10 such that the time to run our program is always between 5n and 10n miliseconds you re free to pick the units 6 081 Spring Semester 2007 Lecture 4 Notes 3 along with the constants This means that each new integer we propose to add in doesn t cost any more than any of the previous integers Looking at the program above that seems roughly right We d say then that this is a linear time algorithm There are at least a couple if things to think about before we believe this First of all you might imagine that the time taken to do all this for n 1 is actually much more than the half the time to do it for n 2 you have to

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