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EOH 577 EOH 577 Biosecurity and Risk Assessment Syllabus Faculty William D Stanhope MS PA Associate Director for Special Projects Institute for Biosecurity Saint Louis University School of Public Health 3545 Lafayette Suite 300 St Louis MO 63104 Phone 314 977 3247 Cel 314 369 1127 Fax 314 977 1674 Email stanhowd slu edu Course Description Students will through directed readings guided discussions assignments and exercises gain the ability to understand the current concepts of all hazard risk assessment in the arena of biosecurity Students successfully completing the course will be able to participate in the risk assessment process to enhance the health safety and environmental security of their community its critical infrastructures and commercial and residential buildings Using the rubric of risk analysis the course will engage its participants to consider the risk that state sponsored postmodern jihadist or domestic terrorists may obtain and use biologicals chemical or radio nuclear weapons against vulnerable civilian populations Course participants will also gain an understanding of the process of developing actionable intelligence that can be used by the public health medical and public safety communities to reduce risk and enhance the biosecurity planning prevention response mitigation and recovery process 1 Course Goals At the conclusion of the course its participants will be conversant with current risk assessment doctrines and their inherent ambigituties and limitations Participants will also have gained an understanding of the process of risk assessment reduction and will be able to reflect concerns of the biosecurity field to others engaged in risk assessment reduction activities Course Objectives At the conclusion of this course a student will have demonstrated through discussions and exercises the acquisition of the knowledge skills and abilities to Actively participate in a formal critical infrastructure biohazard risk assessment activity Actively participate in the process of developing a biohazard risk mitigation plan Actively participate in the development and presentation of realistic risk based lectures training programs and exercises to protect vulnerable civilian populations from a terrorist s use of non conventional weapons Actively participate in the development and presentation of realistic risk based lectures training programs and exercises to increase the resilience civilian populations should we sustain attacks by terrorists face a pandemic from a novel infectious disease or confront the devastation caused by a natural disaster Develop a risk prevention mitigation program to minimize the health and safety risks to an NGO disaster assistance team on call for world wide deployment Function as an entry level Public Health Intelligence analyst at a local regional or state intelligence fusion center Course Format Lectures seminar discussions and readings Evaluation of Performance Actionable Intelligence Assignment 60 points Weekly briefs 10 points week You can opt out of any two AIB assignment and still receive the maximum 60 points If you don t opt out then the seventh and eight AIB you will gain up to 10 bonus points each Online guided discussion 90 points Each discussion question 10 points Other assignments 150 points Week 2 Hazard Risk assessment 30 Week 3Vulnerability assignment 30 Week 6 Botulinum assignment 30 Week 10 NGO Blast assignment 30 Week 12 Must Read assignment 30 According to the Saint Louis University Graduate School the only final grades allowed are A 93 points 2 B B BC F 90 92 points 83 89 points 80 82 points 73 79 points 72 points Course Policies All class associated email communication should take place through the course WebCT email With the exception of the Actionable Intelligence assignment due on each Friday the week for class readings assignments and on line seminar discussion is defined as Monday through Sunday at midnight Conversations on the discussion board should begin as early as possible in the week This will allow for maximum interaction Again I remind you that simplistic statements of an I agree nature will not be viewed as contributing to the class dialogue On the weeks for which there is a discussion question students are expected to respond at least twice unless you notify the instructor in advance of a schedule conflict This will enhance the conversations within the class The standard for the course professor will be to login to the course at least 3 days of the week and one day during the weekend The professor will notify the students at least one week in advance if he will not be able to get on line access due to travel issues for a specified period of time I know that I ll have some delays during the first two weeks of June due to a very heavy travel schedule but I expect to be able to keep up Responses to all individual comments are not possible although answers to specific questions will be given Students should notify the course professor early if they are unable to participate in a scheduled seminar or assignment during a specific week Students must notify the instructor in advance if some life event or obligation precludes them from submitting an assignment on time Project due dates are very flexible for DOD DHS FBI DHHS USPHS and D MAT personnel that are deployed or subject to rapid deployment Please let me know ASAP if this applies to you so we can negotiate some reasonable accommodation It is at the instructor s discretion to allow students to make up missed assignments All University Graduate School and School of Public Health policies and procedures are in effect including but not limited to academic standards course withdrawals and course incompletes Please refer to the o o o o o Catalog of the Graduate School Office of the Bursar Student Accounts Office of the University Registrar Student Services Institute for Biosecurity Policy Statement on Academic and Professional Integrity Details on the Biosecurity Policy Statement on Academic and Professional Integrity are provided in the Academic Integrity link to the left of your WebCT course page and in the MS in Biosecurity Student Handbook More information policies and guidelines relevant to your education are available on the School of Public Health web site at SLU School of Public Health It is your responsibility to become familiar with all information available through this and the Web sites above 3 Required Text Americans at Risk Why We Are Not Prepared

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