Syllabus GVPT 170 American Government Facing New Challenges in a Global Era Department of Government and Politics University of Maryland College Park Fall 2007 Mondays and Wednesdays 6 00 7 15 PM Rm 0102 Tydings Hall Instructor Office Telephone e mail Office hours Ambassador ret Tariq A Karim 3104 D Tydings Hall 301 405 8689 akarim gvpt umd edu Mondays and Wednesdays 4 30 5 30 PM COURSE OVERVIEW Through this course we shall explore the structure and dynamics of American national government The course provides a broad based introduction to the ideas and institutions that have shaped politics in the contemporary United States Special areas of focus will include the Constitution and the debates of the founding era the institutions of modern American government and the political behavior of the American mass public The course will draw inspirationally on documents from America s formative period as well as on insights from modern and contemporary political science allowing us to examine important political phenomena from a variety of perspectives This course will also analyze how the dynamics of regional and global forces have impacted on domestic politics and American government informing the shaping of its attitudes and policies to the rest of the world COURSE GOALS Ultimately the goal of this course is to arrive at a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the complex forces that shape American government politics and its foreign policies and to developing an appreciation of the competing theoretical paradigms and compulsions of contemporary perspectives informed discerningly by the news of the day as they affect everyday American lives Together these will hopefully enable the discerning student to be a better informed participant in the American system as well as becoming a reflective and mature global citizen TEXTBOOKS AND READINGS The course will use the textbooks listed below which should all be available at the campus bookstore In addition supplementary readings will also be assigned from time to time Timely reading is essential to keeping abreast of the course in class and for the attaining the course s objectives by the end of the semester Students will be expected to come to class having read the material assigned in the syllabus to be fleshed out in greater details This will not only exponentially enhance the student s comprehension of the subject material but also enable the student to participate meaningfully in class discussions on a given subject 1 Cal Jillson American Government Political Change and Institutional Development Publisher TF Routledge Fourth edition ISBN 13 978 0 41596077 9 2 Cigler Allan and Burdett Loomis American Politics Classics Contemporary Readings Publisher Houghton Mifflin Sixth edition ISBN 0618 45323 7 3 James M McCormick American Foreign Policy and Process with Info Trac Publisher Thomson Wadsworth 2005 ISBN 10 0 534 61853 7 ISBN13 978 0 534 61853 7 In addition since this will be an interdisciplinary course that will be driven both theoretically and by current events students are encouraged to read at least one internationally known newspaper e g International Herald Tribune http www iht com and view regularly if not daily BBC World Service newscasts National and regional Public Service Television channels including University of Maryland TV telecast this and PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Course Expectations Students will be expected to collectively create and sustain a learning community by respecting each other s opinions and differences valuing collaborative learning in lectures and discussion maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity www umd edu honorpledge attending lecture and discussions on a regular basis meeting all deadlines and requirements in a timely manner OUTPUTS AND GRADING Students will be given two periodical examinations each during the progression of the semester and the final examination at the end of the semester In addition they will be expected to write and present to the class one major semester research paper Grades in the course will be allocated as follows 2 10 30 25 35 Attendance two periodical examinations 15 each semester research paper 20 for paper and 5 for presentation comprehensive final examination Wednesday December 19 2007 6 7 15 PM 0102 Tydings date time and venue will be reconfirmed at a later date ATTENDANCE POLICY It is important to attend lectures regularly in order to keep abreast of the class A fully functioning learning community depends on the presence and contributions of every one of its members in class According to the University s guidelines it is the student s responsibility to inform the instructor of any intended absences for religious observances in advance and that prior notification is especially important in connection with final examinations since failure to reschedule a final examination before the conclusion of the final examination period may result in loss of credits during the semester Absences unless for legitimate reasons that are supported by acceptable documentation will result in students losing valuable marks that could impact adversely on their final grades ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The University is one of a small number of universities with a student administered Code of Academic Integrity and an Honor Pledge The Code prohibits students from cheating on exams plagiarizing papers submitting the same paper for credit in two courses without authorization buying papers submitting fraudulent documents and forging signatures As a student you are responsible for upholding these standards for this course and be aware of the consequences of violating them For more information on the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council please visit http www studenthonorcouncil umd edu whatis html ACCOMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES We are happy to provide appropriate accommodations for students with documented disabilities Please note that a written request for accommodations is required Please submit to me the appropriate paperwork for taking examinations at DSS at least a week prior to all examinations If you have any questions or concerns regarding UMCP disability documentation please contact Disability Support Services at 314 7682 who will determine and implement 3 appropriate academic accommodations NAVIGATING THE COURSE The course lectures are divided into five broad sections Following the introductory lecture that will give you the course
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