Pitt GER 1502 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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GER 1502 1nd Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 10 Besides this study guide you should know each tale and it s basic content Lecture 1 January 6th What is folklore Folklore has three parts content traditional writes of passage creation created by the same people who use it and transmission speaking showing and telling orally or through the media Its functions to maintain a common culture preserve it and educate and inculcate values They all tend to have a commonality yet adapt to each culture Indo European Folktales all have a common linguistic background Lecture 2 January 8th Functions of origins of folklore explanatory traditions social brought people together Types of Tales Fairytale relies on magic to provide fantasy solutions creative imagination functional and poetic Legend historical grounding and unspecific rewards and punishments sometimes religious Myth narrative projection of a cultural group and its sacred past Greek Gods the divine and supernatural gives an explanation to how the things came about the universe Miracles tales religious tradition to teach a moral principle ex women should have children respect God be industrious Fable protagonist is usually an animal and is not historically true yet morally true Lecture 3 January 13th Folklore Scholarship The Grimm brothers studied medieval literature and were the first to consider folk narrative as academic study They had socio political implications and gathered their work first from Italy from Stroperota and Basile then France from Perrault then from England from Percy and MacPherson and finally from Germany from Herder Creatures in folklore Fairies animism objects have souls there can be good or bad fairies Demons in between humans and Gods and can do good or bad Witches humans with magical powers companion of the devil shape shifting and group gatherings witch hunts showed women as a threat to men Golem Homunculus Rabbi Loew St George Dragonslayers slayed the dragon for the town in return for the peoples conversion to Christianity El Khudr Koran Thumbling tiny child inferior in size yet is smarter than the average person Frau Holle fairy god mother who can be good or bad Baba Yaga the bad aunt Lecture 4 January 15th Fables animism animals give distance and identification Fable collections Aesop and Panchatantra oldest fable Jataka Tales tales of Budha Jean de le Fontaine political meanings Vampires Between fairy tales and legend Corpse that rose from the dead and drank human blood to survive Souls in vein Sources of unchristian magic Socio historical reasons for vampires Improper decomposition Christianization of Europe Bubonic Plague rushing to make sure the dead was dead Historical Vampire figures Vlad Tepes Dracula Romanian Prince Elizabeth Bathory wanted to find fountain of youth Roots tales different cultures similar stories Judgment Two Mothers One Child Solomon Israel Palestine Buddha India Town Mouse Country Field Mouse Aesop Greece Romania The Man Who Became Rich Through a Dream The Peddler of Swaffham 1001 Nights Arabia England City and country contrast common in mice tales City clever luxurious mistrustful lazy Country na ve simple honest industrious trusting Lecture 5 January 20th Schools of folklore inquiry Origin Distribution and dissemination of folktales The Grimms and Freidrich Max Muller Theodor Benfey German orientalist and believed that India was the origin of folktales Monogenesis one origin and Polygenesis multiple origins Antti Aarne goal to reconstruct the history of a particular tale made an index to group folktales Basic units of folktale motif reoccurring theme of emotion or character and type many motifs comprised together Form 1960s Structuralism structure of thought that analyzed myth within the study of comparative religion and the structure of the mind Claude Levi Strauss 1920s Formalism Vladimir Propp created 31 possible functions that influence the overall structure is sequential Meaning 19th Century approaches psychology of ethnic culture Wilhelm Wundt Folk Psychology 20th Century approaches psychoanalysis or psychology of individuals Sigmund Freud Individual psychology fairy tales are like dreams symbolic language related to the unconscious ex Red Riding Hood and The Frog King and sexual childhood development Stages of development oral anal phallic Oedipal complex and latency genital Style Performance concerted approaches Focus on text and the social context of its presentation Herder s idea of Volkspoeise Russian and Hungarian schools of folklore US Ethnographers Prague school of Linguistic Lecture 6 January 22nd Rules for Living Didactic tales awareness of limitations within a social context Unspecified or Uncertain Morals The Frog and the Farrier Miserly Moslem Priest and his Wife Multiple possible Morals The Talkative Tortoise The Tortoise and the Hare The Dog and the Reflection The Lion and the Mouse Morals incompatible with the tale Hans Dumb Of the Remembrance of Benefits Of Good Advice Regional differences The Jackal and the Fleas India The Fox and the Fleas Scotland Androcles and the Lion Joseph Jacobs Of the Remembrance of Benefits Gesta Romanorum The Gold Giving Snake Panchatantra Of Good Advice Gesta Romanorum Lecture 7 January 27th Children at risk Relationships between parents and children abandonment King Aistulf Grimm The Abandoned Child Iceland The Snow Child Europe The Twelve Brothers Grimm Hansel and Gretel Grimm Little Thumb Perrault Reasons for abandonment Financial Bad health ill omened Social Pressures on the Number of Children Jealous or Malicious step Parent Gender Social Value of children Stories of sacrificed and disappearing children Jephthah and His Daughter Book of Judges The Children of Hameln Germany Economic value of children Children of Hameln legend of the Children s Crusade Children and society and between siblings Tales of siblings in distress together Hansel and Gretel Grimm Little Thumb Perrault The Twelve Brothers Grimm Sibling Rivalry Lecture 8 January 29th Folklore and psychology Carl Gustav Jung collective unconsciousness comparative example The Frog King which is folklore to help teach self acceptance and family relationships Reactions to his discovery Feminist say it only focuses on the man Contemporary reciprocal interaction of psychology and folklore ex Iron John Fairy tales therapeutic function Bruno Bettelheim The Uses of Enchantment 1976 Example Wicked Stepmothers Folk poetry organic simple insisted on faithful reproduction

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Pitt GER 1502 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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