TAMU POLS 207 - American Federalism Part 2
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POLS 207 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Federalism in the United States II The Secret of American Federalism III Total of Federal Deficits and Federal Grants 1940 2011 IV Federal Responsibilities V Shared Responsibilities VI State Responsibilities Outline of Current Lecture I Politics of U S Federalism II American Law III US Constitution IV State Constitutions V Texas Constitution VI Growth of Federal Power VII Federal Funds Given to State and Local Gov ts VIII Federal Grant System Advantages IX Problems of Federal Grant System Current Lecture I II III IV Politics of U S Federalism a Law b Money American Law a Constitutional Law i Comes directly from the US Constitution b Statutory Law i Comes from statues ii Laws passed by the legislature c Common Law i Law developed by judges on court cases US Constitution a Delegated powers b Reserved powers and denied powers c Structure and organization State Constitutions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI VII VIII IX a Bill of rights for each state b Separation of powers c Laws for local gov ts Texas Constitution a Individual rights b State gov t organization c Local gov t d Citizen participation e Substantive material Growth of Federal Power a Why has the fed gov t gained more power than it had i Scope of domestic issues ii International issues iii States unwilling to act iv Federal financial resources Federal Funds Given to State and Local Governments a Formula grants i Specifies a precise formula for spending in the legislation that is creating the program b Categorical grants i Very specific on what it is supposed to be spent on c Block grants i Fewer restrictions that categorical grants d Earmark grants i Spending is under Congressional discretion Federal Grant System Advantages a National goals within federal system b Inadequate state local revenue c Greater progressivity of federal revenue d Achieve threshold standards Problems of Federal Grant Systems a Size and complexity b Lack of hierarchy c Administration

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TAMU POLS 207 - American Federalism Part 2

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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