UNC-Chapel Hill STOR 155 - STOR 155 Syllabus

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Syllabus STOR 155 Sections 1 and 2 Fall 2012 August 21 December 5 Section 1 TuTh 8 00 9 15am Section 2 TuTh 9 30 10 45am Hanes 120 Instructor Jan Hannig Phone 919 962 7511 Office 330 Hanes E mail jan hannig unc edu Office Hours M 2 30 3 30PM W 9 30 10 30AM Course home page on http www unc edu hannig STOR155 http sakai unc edu E mail palmajum live unc edu Instructors Assistant Abhishek Pal Majumdar IA Office B04 Hanes Open Tutorials 107 Hanes Required Text IA Office Hour W 1 30 2 30PM Tutorial Times SuMTuWTh 7 00 8 00PM Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 7th Edition by Moore McCabe Craig 2012 the accompanying Excel manual available on sakai and access to working Excel is also required Bring the textbook and a calculator to every class meeting You will be asked to perform in class work Course Outline This is an introductory course in statistics Covered topics include data analysis correlation and regression sampling and experimental design basic probability random variables expected values normal and binomial distributions hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for means proportions and regression parameters use of spreadsheet software We will cover Chapters 1 8 10 with some omissions from the required textbook Assessment Your grade will be based on two midterm exams 40 of the grade a final exam 40 of the grade and homework sets 20 of the grade The instructor reserves the right to do surprise extra credit in class quizzes from time to time Important dates Final Exam Midterm exam Homework Last Day to Drop see the published university schedule Thursday September 27 Thursday November 8 notice the change Homework sets will be usually assigned every lecture and due at the beginning of the following class Late missed homeworks will receive a grade of zero Monday October 15 Exams All exams will be multiple choice and entirely closed book closed notes Computers are not permitted but you will be allowed to use a calculator Bring your own bubble sheet and pencil All exams are required and there will be no make up exams Missed exams will receive a grade of zero Any student needing to be excused from the final exam due to the 3 Final Exams in 24 hour period rule must bring a written Dean s Excuse and discuss the situation with the instructor at least 3 weeks prior the end of the semester Homework Problems will be posted on Blackboard right after each class meeting and will be due at the start of the following class meeting No late homework will be accepted Any homework not turned in at the regular class meeting must be turned in to the Instructional Assistant s mailbox Room 310 in Hanes Hall before the class meeting on the due date Missed homework will receive a grade of zero To receive credit for the homework you must show ALL work neatly write in blue or black pen or pencil never in red clearly LABEL each problem CIRCLE your final numerical answers STAPLE your entire assignment including any Excel work together in the correct order with your FULL NAME SECTION NUMBER and HW NUMBER printed at the top of each page Any homework violating any of these rules will receive a grade of ZERO for the entire assignment You are allowed to work with other students on the homework problems however verbatim copying of homework is absolutely forbidden and constitutes a violation of the Honor Code Therefore each student must ultimately produce his or her own homework to be turned in and graded You are also encouraged to ask me for help on homework problems after attempting to solve the problems on your own Note that the textbook provides answers to odd numbered problems SAKAI You will need to provide your ONYEN and PASSWORD in order to login at Sakai Homework assignments and important announcements will be posted there Visit the web page daily Note The Honor Code will be observed at all times in this course This course will participate in the Carolina Course Evaluation Each student should feel comfortable approaching the Instructor with any concerns he she has with the course If there is a concern which cannot be resolved with the Instructor or with which the student does not feel comfortable approaching the Instructor you may confidentially contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies at the STOR Department Prof Kelly 336 Hanes Hall 962 9609 For all questions on registration contact Charlotte Rogers 321 Hanes Hall 962 2307 crogers email unc edu The instructor reserves the right to make any changes he considers academically advisable It is your responsibility to attend classes and keep track of the proceedings

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UNC-Chapel Hill STOR 155 - STOR 155 Syllabus

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