Polarization Ben Kravitz Thursday September 10 2009 2 Outline What polarization is How it works How it is useful to remote sensing Orientation QuickTime and a GIF decompressor are needed to see this picture http www colorado edu physics 2000 polarization polarizationII html Ray direction remains the Polarization www colorado edu physics 2000 polarization images typicalLIght jpg Polarized Light Typical Light http www colorado edu physics 2000 polarization images polarizeLigh Orientation again Recall that no matter which way the ray is oriented we can break up the light ray vector into its horizontal and vertical components Polarizing Filters http www colorado edu physics 2000 polarization polarizationII html Examples http www colorado edu physics 2000 polarizati on blocking light html http www colorado edu physics 2000 polarizatio n twisting light html Uses of Polarization Satellite transmission multiple channels per frequency Minimize interference Different responses by surfaces to different polarizations Polarization and Remote Sensing http www ccrs nrcan gc ca glossary index e php id 2818 ifferent orientations are scattered in different way Linear Polarization Vertical Transmit Vertical Receive VV scattering due to surface capillary waves has a higher signal to noise ratio for this polarization commonly used in oceanography for extracting surface wind speeds Horizontal Transmit Horizontal Receive HH studying soil moisture horizontally polarized waves pass through vegetation into the soil below good for separating ice from water good for ship detection Horizontal Transmit Vertical Receive HV retrieval depends on the scattering mechanism so good for differentiating different types of materials or structures Vertical Transmit Horizontal Receive VH same as HV but receiver noise is different so this is averaged with HV to get a less noisy measurement
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