CSU NR 150 - A History of Marine Science

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NR150 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Info on Marine Resources II Physical Marine Resources III Energetic Marine Resources IV Biological Marine Resources V Non Extractive Marine Resources Outline of Current Lecture I Voyaging for Trade and Exploration II Voyaging Combined with Science to Advance Ocean Science III Contemporary Oceanography Makes Use of Modern Technology Current Lecture I Voyaging for Trade and Exploration 1 Ancient Mediterranean Cultures a Our word ocean comes from the latin root oceanus b Ancient Mediterranean cultures were the first to record information about locations and landmarks c they were probably the first mapmakers d the library at Alexandria in Egypt was founded in the third century B C e the library stored info on every area of human endeavor f the chief librarian at Alexandria was Erathosthenes of Cyrene g he was the first to calculate the circumference of the world h he introduced the system of latitude and longitude I the equator is the imaginary line at 0 degrees latitude 2 Polynesian Triangle a seafarers colonized distant islands b easter islands are extremely small c the last island to be inhabited was Hawaii d it was the last to be inhabited because they were extremely hard to get to due to the fact that in order to get there you had to cross the equator which was extremely difficult 3 Chinese Explorers a Chinese navigators set out in the 1400s b Each ship had separate water tight compartments These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c Each ship also had sails on multiple masts d These ships could could stay out at sea for nearly 4 months without stopping for supplies e Zheng He was one of the famous voyagers working for the emperor f the ships he sailed could cover nearly 8 000 km without stopping for provisions g His boats grew vegetables and distilled fresh water from sea water on board h After 1433 it became illegal to go to sea from China in a multi sailed ship 3 Renaissance Explorers a prince henry of Portugal the navigator I sea route around the Sahara ii brought back slaves and gold iii The gold was used to mint the first coins b Christopher Columbus I wanted to pioneer a sea route to the rich and fabled lands of the east ii Did not actually discover America iii Native americans arrived about 11 000 years ago iv Norwegian Vikings had made two dozen visits about 500 years before Columbus c Magellan I Made the first voyage around the world II Voyaging Combined with Science to Advance Ocean Science 1 James Cook of the British Royal Navy a Sailed the HMS Endeavor b Got killed while in Hawaii and could not finish his voyage c He was the first European to get to Hawaii 2 United States Exploring Expedition 1838 a A naval and scientific expedition b under the leadership of Lt Charles Wilkes c returned with many scientific specimens and artifacts which formed the nucleus of the collections of the newly established Smithosian 3 Matthew Maury a Discovered worldwide patterns of winds and ocean currents b called the father of physical oceanography 4 Challenger Expedition a the first extensive expedition dedicated to marine science b the expedition was from December 1872 to May 1876 c the expedition was the longest continuous oceanographic survey III Contemporary Oceanography Makes Use of Modern Technology These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Fridtjof Nansen and Polar Expedition a Greenland Expedition on a ship called the Fram b July October 1888 c this expedition proved that there is no Arctic Continent it is basically just floating ice not a continent d Added to the understanding of ice drift meteorological and ocean conditions e The Fram is said to have sailed farther north and farther south than any other wooden ship 2 Meteor Expedition a it was a two year expedition in the south atlantic starting in 1925 b introduced modern optical and electric equipment c echo sounder used to locate icebergs was used for the first time because of the Titanic 3 HMS Challenger a got the depth measurements of the pacific atlantic and indian ocean 4 Glomar Challenger a provided evidence for plate techtonics b drilled into ocean floor at 6 000m of water These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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CSU NR 150 - A History of Marine Science

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