A201 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Literacy Model i Knowledge Structures ii Personal Locus agency iii Information processing competencies skills iv How we process II Media Literacy Understand Influencing Factors i Maturation cognitive emotional moral ii Natural Abilities iii Experience iv Active application of skills Current Lecture I Literacy Model Potter 4 things inside us 1 Knowledge Structures How you organize information How do you accumulate facts and how why do you remember it Learned knowledge you are shaped through developmental structures A girl from the Netherlands doesn t have the knowledge box for a tornado watch so she s scared what does she do Now she has a knowledge structure for tornadoes Keep building new knowledge boxes will make you more media literate Physical world experiences Not just facts The how why what Context for new information Help to see the big picture Someone who reads a book first will have a knowledge structure and appreciate the movie more vice versa Apple 1984 advertisement We re shaped by what we experience These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Iranians perform prayers men and women are not equal gender separated women have to cover themselves men wear colors women wear black and white these are knowledge structures that people know because they have learned about it and know about this religion s traditions 2 Personal locus agency Goals drives that affect information processing Goals What is ignored what is processed Drives Motivation to invest effort Awareness of goals drives Unaware state of automaticity Make sure you know what is motivating you What do you ignore and what do you pay attention to What is it that you personally will see notice and what is it that you are going to choose to ignore What are your motivations for seeing certain things paying attention to certain things If you re unaware you re in a state of automaticity idea of agency You could be the master of your own destiny if you have personal locus 3 Information processing competencies skills Competencies e g reading learned early on in life having them is not necessarily media literacy but if you don t have them you will have a harder time in life i e If you cant read or write you will have a hard time being media literate Learned early in life If you have it it does NOT make you media literate BUT not having it preventing literacy Skills e g analysis evaluation Acquired throughout life Like muscle work out matters Have more or less of it scale Skills more key to ML Interpreting a photograph Analyze evaluate competencies that you have to work for your entire life i e that feeling that spring break is coming up and you need to go to the gym More like riding a bike once you have it you will keep that knowledge 4 How we process Filtering what is ignored attended to Meaning matching recognizing elements in messages Meaning construction construct your own meaning Meaning construction level ML Ignore versus pay attention to Then we start matching meaning we recognize certain elements Start meaning construction where you try to analyze what is going on there Dove and flag image what do you see and what do you ignore blue skies good weather glare sun flag patriotism pride innocence patriot constructed image Beyond Potter Media Literacy makes you a smart media consumer BUT ALSO Makes you a smart producer of media content II Media literacy Understand influencing factors 1 Maturation Cognitive Piaget cognitive phases of development until 12 Attention to TV 6 months old 5 7 only 10 understand the goal of an ad 8 10 understanding characters plots There are cognitive phases in a childs life Just by growing up you develop certain skills For example little babies pay attention to screens They cant help but pay attention Start to figure out the logic of media content 2 Maturation Emotional Emotionally hard wired anger fear disgust love BUT Cognitive development helps us to understand and feel finer nuances of emotion within large emotional groups ROMANTIC LOVE infatuation crush lust jealousy in like smitten attracted hopelessly sole mate hate Emotionally basic emotions kids feel based on needs We come wired with potential to feel all of these emotions As we mature we mature emotionally Layered new feelings deeper feelings love can mean so many different things 3 Maturation Moral Moral values are learned Stages 1 Pre conventional 2 Conventional 2 8 Weak inner controls Dependent on authority Avoid punishment 3 Post conventional mid adolescence on Think abstractly Understand ideals behind laws Make ethical decisions Develop moral values over time Act morally to avoid punishment 2 Natural Abilities Born with them Need exercise Low levels can be strengthened If you have low levels of these natural abilities you can improve on them Extensive We are getting deeper and going inside of biology and cognitive makeup The types o Field independency o Crystalline intelligence o Fluid intelligence o Conceptual differentiation o Emotional intelligence o Tolerance for ambiguity o Nonimpulsiveness 1 Natural abilities Field independency Can you see through the clutter Field independent identify what is important Field dependent remember clutter and some of what s important Retain less information because it is not well organized cognitively Automaticity No sorting through clutter If you are field independent you can focus on the goal at hand What does it mean to be field independent versus field dependent Field dependent you are attaining less info because you re all over the place The information doesn t get tucked away nicely and its not well organized Hop from one topic to another Automaticity you give up Let the clutter take over you Potter says cut through the shit and get to the main point FIELD INDEPENDENCY NOT LOST AND KNOW HOW TO CUT TO THE CHASE AND STAY ON COURSE 2 Natural Abilities crystalline intelligence Are you good at memorizing facts How about systematic thinking Good for basic media literacy Memorizing things Not much creativity involved Opposite of fluid intelligence 2 Natural Abilities fluid intelligence Creative thinker Novel ideas perspectives Not raw intelligence but way of thinking Can be impractical too creative Often produce breakthrough ideas Media literacy requires both crystalline fluid thinking AND knowing when to use which Doing more than
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