UD NTDT 200 - Exam3ReviewQuestions_Chapter11

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NTDT200 Exam 3 Review Questions Chapters 11 Would you be concerned if you didn t eat any fat soluble vitamins in a day An individual consumes a large amount of vitamin A food sources and his her skin turns yellow Is this clinically significant Why or Why not What are the three forms of vitamin A What protein is responsible for transporting vitamin A What are risks associated with high doses of vitamin A What types of vitamin A can cause toxicity What groups are most vulnerable Why are vitamin A supplements often given to children in developing countries What are the two ways people can obtain vitamin D What are the consequences of vitamin D deficiency in children What are they in adults What is the major idea behind fortification of food products with vitamin D in the United States What fat soluble vitamin has the lowest risk of deficiency Why is vitamin K given to newborns at birth What happens if the newborn does not get the injection 1 What are two ways that people can obtain vitamin K Fill in the following chart Main role Deficiency Excess Food sources Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K 2

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UD NTDT 200 - Exam3ReviewQuestions_Chapter11

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