UMD GVPT 170 - Syllabus

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Government and Politics 170 Introduction to American Government Fall 2006 Skinner Hall 0200 Mon Wed 3 3 50 p m Instructor Sean Cain Ph D Email scain gvpt umd edu Office Tydings Hall 1140D Office Hours Mon Wed 1 30 2 30 p m This course provides an overview of American national government We will cover the founding of the Constitution the operation of national political institutions the behavior of the mass public and political parties and interest groups We will be learning many of the major concepts used by political scientists to study politics and then applying those concepts to better understand the logic by which American government operates The ideas in the course build upon one another so it is important that you master the concepts presented in the first weeks In addition the course should help you sharpen your logic skills and the ability to make reasoned arguments Accordingly part of the course will be devoted to debating important issues in current American politics Readings The following books are available at the bookstore Samuel Kernell and Gary Jacobson The Logic of American Politics 3 nd Edition Samuel Kernell and Steven Smith Principles and Practice of American Politics Classic and Contemporary Readings 3 nd Edition Assignments Midterm 35 Final Exam 50 Discussion Section 15 Although I do not require it you are strongly encouraged to read a daily newspaper I will often discuss current events taking place in national politics and ask you questions about how they relate to what we study Even though this is a large lecture course you are encouraged to ask questions about the daily business of national politics Exams will be some mixture of identification of key terms and concepts short answer questions and longer essays I will review for exam format and content prior to the midterm and final Tentative Schedule I reserve the right to alter the schedule and or add readings I will notify you of any changes Aug 30 Introduction Sept 6 The Logic of American Politics Kernell and Jacobson Ch 1 Kernell and Smith 1 1 thru 1 3 Sept 11 13 The U S Constitution and Federalism Kernell and Jacobson Ch 2 Appendix 2 The U S Constitution Ch 3 Kernell and Smith 2 1 thru 2 4 3 1 and 3 2 Sept 18 20 25 The Legislative Branch Kernell and Jacobson Ch 6 Kernell and Smith 6 1 thru 6 3 Sept 27 Oct 2 4 The Presidency Kernell and Jacobson Ch 7 Kernell and Smith 7 1 thru 7 3 October 9 11 Bureaucracy Kernell and Jacobson Ch 8 Kernell and Smith 8 1 thru 8 3 October 16 Midterm Exam tentative Oct 18 23 25 Voting Campaigns and Elections Kernell and Jacobson Ch 11 Kernell and Smith 11 1 thru 11 3 October 30 Nov 1 Public Opinion Kernell and Jacobson Ch 10 Kernell and Smith 10 1 thru 10 4 Nov 6 8 Political Parties Kernell and Jacobson Ch 12 Kernell and Smith 12 1 thru 12 3 Nov 13 15 Interest Groups Kernell and Jacobson Ch 13 Kernell and Smith 13 1 13 3 Nov 20 22 News Media Kernell and Jacobson Ch 14 Kernell and Smith 14 1 thru 14 2 Nov 27 29 The Judiciary and Civil Liberties Kernell and Jacobson Ch 5 9 Kernell and Smith 5 1 thru 5 5 9 1 thru 9 5 Dec 4 6 Civil Rights Kernell and Jacobson Ch 4 Kernell and Smith 4 1 thru 4 2 Dec 11 The Future of American Politics Kernell and Jacobson Ch 15 December 1 Final Exam

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UMD GVPT 170 - Syllabus

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