UD NTDT 200 - NTDT 200 Final Review

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NTDT 200 Final Review 12 05 2013 Chapter 1 INFLUENCES ON FOOD CHOICES Personal preference Habit Ethnic heritage tradition Social interactions Availability convenience economy associations Emotions boredom depression stress Values religious environmental political Advertisement Health benefits The biggest influence on food is taste CONSEQUENCES OF BAD CHOICES Malnutrition poor health Weight gain 6 CLASSES OF NUTRIENTS Water hydrogen and oxygen and Minerals simplest nutrient are both inorganic Vitamins Carbs Proteins and Lipids are organic Macro nutrients carbs proteins and lipids body needs in big amounts Micro nutrients vitamins and minerals body needs in small amounts Essential Nutrients food must supply 40 known essential nutrients ENGERY YIELDING Using nutrients for energy Metabolism Provides kcals carbs and proteins 4 fats 9 Alcohol is not a nutrient but gives off 7 kcals of engery Vitamins o 13 organic Minerals and Water o Don t yield energy o 16 essential minerals o Indestructible o Water needed in everything SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Correlation only shows association Research designs o Experimental studies clinical trial lab based animal in vitro studies o Epidemiological studies Cross sectional studies Case control studies Cohort studies o Sample size o Double blind experiments o Placebos Peer review research research has validity research must be replicated before being accepted as valid DIETARY REFERENCES INTAKES DRI S EAR estimated average requirements o Avg amount satisfactory for half of the population RDA recommended dietary allowances o Recommendations to meet the needs of MOST healthy people about 98 of the population AI Adequate Intake o Insufficient scientific evidence o Value set instead of RDA o Expected to exceed avg requirements UL tolerable upper intake levels o Protects against overconsumption point where nutrient becomes toxic EER Estimated energy requirement o Avg dietary energy intake to maintain energy balance healthy body weight and physical activity o No upper level AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges o Composition of a diet that provides adequate energy and nutrients and reduces risk of chronic disease o Ranges 10 35 kcals from protein 20 35 kcals from fat 45 65 from carbs NUTRITION PROFESSIONALS RD DTR CHAPTER 2 PRINCIPLES OF A HEALTHY DIET Adequacy Enough energy nutrients to meet needs of healthy people Balance consuming enough but not too much of each food Kcal Control energy in energy out high nutrient density Nutrient dense Moderation food selections low in fat sugar Variety among and within food groups DIETARY GUIDELINES OF AMERICANS DGA Help people choose an overall healthy diet Updated every 5 years Meant for Americans ages 2 and over USDA FOOD PATTERNS Prominent nutrients Nutrient dense choices Discretionary kcal Kcals supplied vs kcals needed FOOD GROUPS Fruits Veggies Grains Protein foods Milk milk products FOOD LABELS Appear on all processed foods except food bev Contributing few nutrients or foods produced by small companies Requirements o Ingredient list Descending in order of predominance by weight o Serving size o Nutrition Facts Quantities and daily values Required info Total food energy food energy from fat Total fat sat fat trans fat cholesterol Sodium Total carbs dietary fiber sugars Protein Vitamins A and C iron calcium Daily values CLAIMS Nutrient characterize amount of nutrients in food FDA approved Health characterize relationship btwn nutrients in food and disease FDA approval Structure function no FDA approval Characterize nutrient with role on the body ex Promotes healthy heart VEGETARIAN DIET Part vegetarian flexitariarns Must watch B12 and iron levels Have lower rated in obesity diabetes hypertension heart disease cancer and other CHAPTER 3 SEGMENTS OF THE GI TRACT Process mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine rectumanus Mouth o Mastication chewing swallowing o Swallowed food passes through pharynx o Epiglottis closes off airway o After food has been chewed and swallowed bolus Esophagus o Upper esophageal sphincter opens during swallowing o Lower esophageal sphincter at the entrance to the stomach closes behind bolus so it doesn t come back Stomach o Retains bolus for awhile then transfers it to its lower portion o Chyme released through pyloric sphincter opens into small intestine and closes behind chyme Small Intestine o Travels through 3 segments of small intestine duodenum jejunum and ileum Large intestine o Remaining contents arrive at ileoceccal value o As contents pass to the rectum the colon with draws water Absorption Techniques o Simple diffusion cross into intestines freely o Facilitated diffusion need specific carrier to transport them from one side of cell membrane to another o Active transport move against a concentration gradient requires energy ANATOMY OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Crypts tubular glands that lies btwn intestinal villi secretes intestinal juices into small intestine Goblet cells cells of the GI tract scretes mucus Villi fingerlike projections from folds of small intestine select and regulate nutrients absorbed Microvilli hair like projections on each cell of every villi traps nutrient participates and transports them into the cells GI DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS Celiac Disease o Damages lining of small intestine nutrients cant be fully absorbed can lead to nutrient deficiencies o Can be confused with many other diseases o Need blood test to diagnose o Only treatment is a gluten free diet Constipation o Causes lifestyle medications o Prevention fiber and water physical activity etc Ulcers o Peptic ulcers gastric and duodenal o Causes bacterial infection anti inflammatory drugs excessive gastric acid secretion Gastro Esophageal Reflux GERD o Causes diet and what you eat everyone s triggers are different o Prevention take meds or figure out your triggers and stop ingesting them Chapter 4 CARBOHYDRATES Definition energy component of diet Provides 4 kcals g AMDR 45 65 Food sources any food Structure of Carbs composed of C H and O Most have a ratios of 1 carbon molecule to one water molecule DIETARY CARB FAMILY Monosaccharide most basic unit of carbs o All have same and kinds of atoms just in different order o Single sugars Glucose blood sugar Fructose fruit sugar Galactose found rarely Disaccharide Pairs of monosaccharides linked together o Maltose glucose glucose produced when starch break down o Sucrose glucose fructose o Lactose glucose galactose Polysaccharide Contain many

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