UNL MATH 103 - Homework 1

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Homework 1 due Tuesday 23 September Library of Functions 1 f x x a Determine algebraically whether f x is even odd or neither What kind of symmetry does f x have b Determine the intercepts if any of the graph of f x c Graph f x d What is the domain and range of the function e Where is the function increasing or decreasing Does the function have any local maxima or minima 2 f x 3 x a Determine algebraically whether f x is even odd or neither What kind of symmetry does f x have b Determine the intercepts if any of the graph of f x c Graph f x d What is the domain and range of the function e Where is the function increasing or decreasing Does the function have any local maxima or minima 3 f x x a Determine algebraically whether f x is even odd or neither What kind of symmetry does f x have b Determine the intercepts if any of the graph of f x c Graph f x d What is the domain and range of the function e Where is the function increasing or decreasing Does the function have any local maxima or minima 4 f x 1 x a Determine algebraically whether f x is even odd or neither What kind of symmetry does f x have b Determine the intercepts if any of the graph of f x c Graph f x d What is the domain and range of the function e Where is the function increasing or decreasing Does the function have any local maxima or minima 5 f x x2 a Determine algebraically whether f x is even odd or neither What kind of symmetry does f x have b Determine the intercepts if any of the graph of f x c Graph f x d What is the domain and range of the function e Where is the function increasing or decreasing Does the function have any local maxima or minima 6 f x x3 a Determine algebraically whether f x is even odd or neither What kind of symmetry does f x have b Determine the intercepts if any of the graph of f x c Graph f x d What is the domain and range of the function e Where is the function increasing or decreasing Does the function have any local maxima or minima Other problems Section 3 1 40 93 Section 3 2 11 14 24 41 Section 3 3 21 22 23 25 60 63 Section 3 4 32 36 47 Section 3 5 19 21 23 25 42 89 2

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UNL MATH 103 - Homework 1

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