Stanford CS 326A - Criticality-Based Motion Planning (2)

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CS 326A Motion Planning Criticality Based Motion Planning 2 Topics Target finding Information or belief state space Part orientation Sensorless reduction of uncertainty Assembly planning Path space Stereotaxic radiosurgery Assembly Planning Example Levels of Problems Parts are assumed free flying Assembly sequence planning Tools fixtures are taken into account Entire manipulation system is taken into account Manipulation planning Assembly Sequence Planning Example of a multi robot coordination problem but 1 Very constrained goal state but unconstrained initial state Disassembly planning 2 Many dofs but simple paths Motion space Various Interesting Cases Multi hand Non monotonic 2 handed assembly An assembly on n parts may require up to n hands for its dis assembly Natarajan No single part can be added or removed Various Interesting Cases With translations only With translations only monotone two handed non monotone 2handed monotone 3 handed With general motions monotone 2 handed Complexity of Partitioning Assembly partitioning problem Given a set of non overlapping polygons Decide if a proper subset of them can be removed as a rigid body without colliding with the other polygons This problem is NP complete OR Gate for ui uj uk Planning Approaches Generate and test Hypothesize a subassembly and test if it can separated from the rest using contact analysis But exponential number of subassemblies O 2n subassemblies but only two pairs can be separated Planning Approaches Generate and test Generate and test plus caching Non directional blocking graph limited to single step motions Interference diagram

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Stanford CS 326A - Criticality-Based Motion Planning (2)

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