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Population Change in Texas Implications for Human and Socioeconomic Resources in the 21st Century by Steve H Murdock Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research The University of Texas at San Antonio Major Demographic Trends Affecting the Future Change in Rates and Sources of Population Growth Increase in the Non Anglo Population Aging of the Population Total Population Change Total Population and Percent Population Change in Texas and the United States 1850 2006 Total Population Percent Change Year Texas U S Texas U S 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2006 212 592 604 215 818 579 1 591 749 2 235 527 3 048 710 3 896 542 4 663 228 5 824 715 6 414 824 7 711 194 9 579 677 11 196 730 14 229 191 16 986 510 20 851 820 23 507 783 23 191 876 31 443 321 39 818 449 50 155 783 62 947 714 75 994 575 91 972 266 105 710 620 122 775 046 131 669 275 150 697 361 179 323 175 203 302 031 226 545 805 248 709 873 281 421 906 299 398 484 184 2 35 5 94 5 40 4 36 4 27 8 19 7 24 9 10 1 20 2 24 2 16 9 27 1 19 4 22 8 12 7 35 6 26 6 26 0 25 5 20 7 21 0 14 9 16 1 7 2 14 5 19 0 13 4 11 4 9 8 13 2 6 4 All values for the decennial dates are for the indicated census year Values for 2006 is for July 1 as estimated by the U S Bureau of the Census Source Derived from U S Bureau of the Census Estimates for dates indicated by the Texas State Data Center University of Texas at San Antonio Total Population and Components of Population Change in Texas 1950 2006 Percent Change Due to Year Population Numerical Change 1950 7 711 194 1960 9 579 677 1 868 483 1 754 652 113 831 1970 11 196 730 1 617 053 1 402 683 1980 14 229 191 3 032 461 1990 16 986 510 2000 2006 Natural Increase Net Migration Percent Natural Net Change Increase Migration 24 2 93 91 6 09 214 370 16 9 86 74 13 26 1 260 794 1 771 667 27 1 41 58 58 42 2 757 319 1 815 670 941 649 19 9 65 85 34 15 20 851 820 3 865 310 1 919 281 1 946 029 22 8 49 65 50 35 23 507 783 2 655 963 1 389 275 1 266 688 12 7 52 31 47 69 All values for the decennial dates are for the indicated census year Values for 2006 is for July 1 as estimated by the U S Bureau of the Census Source Derived from U S Bureau of the Census Estimates for dates indicated by the Texas State Data Center University of Texas at San Antonio Population Change by Components of Change in the State 1990 2000 and 2000 2006 State of Texas 1990 2000 Numerical Change 3 865 485 Natural Increase 1 922 044 Domestic Migration 1 166 570 International Migration 776 871 2000 2006 Numerical Change Natural Increase 2 655 963 1 389 275 Domestic Migration 465 112 International Migration 801 576 Population Change by Components of Change in the State 1990 2000 and 2000 2006 State of Texas 1990 2000 Numerical Change 3 865 485 Natural Increase 49 7 Domestic Migration 30 2 International Migration 20 1 2000 2006 Numerical Change 2 655 963 Natural Increase 52 3 Domestic Migration 17 5 International Migration 30 2 Population Change by Components of Change in the San Antonio Metropolitan Area Compared to the State and Selected Areas 1990 2000 and 2000 2006 State of Texas San Antonio DallasFort Worth Arlington HoustonSugar Land Baytown AustinRound Rock Numerical Change 3 865 485 303 958 1 172 250 948 174 403 536 Natural Increase 1 922 044 150 894 505 595 500 630 112 314 Domestic Migration 1 166 570 111 518 472 931 210 530 260 833 776 871 41 546 193 724 237 014 30 389 Numerical Change 2 655 963 230 514 842 423 824 542 263 802 Natural Increase 1 389 275 102 488 401 526 360 770 101 154 Domestic Migration 465 112 98 776 154 726 204 344 104 454 International Migration 801 576 29 250 286 171 259 428 58 194 1990 2000 International Migration 2000 2006 Population Change by Components of Change in the San Antonio Metropolitan Area Compared to the State and Selected Areas 1990 2000 and 2000 2006 State of Texas San Antonio DallasFort Worth Arlington HoustonSugar Land Baytown AustinRound Rock 3 865 485 303 958 1 172 250 948 174 403 536 Percent Natural Increase 49 7 49 6 43 2 52 8 27 9 Percent Domestic Migration 30 2 36 7 40 3 22 2 64 6 Percent International Migration 20 1 13 7 16 5 25 0 7 5 2 655 963 230 514 842 423 824 542 263 802 Percent Natural Increase 52 3 44 4 47 6 43 7 38 3 Percent Domestic Migration 17 5 42 9 18 4 24 8 39 6 Percent International Migration 30 2 12 7 34 0 31 5 22 1 1990 2000 Numerical Change 2000 2006 Numerical Change Ten Fastest Growing States in Numerical Terms in the United States 1990 2000 Percent Population Change 1990 2000 1990 Population 2000 Population Numerical Change 1990 2000 California 29 760 021 33 871 648 4 111 627 13 8 Texas 16 986 510 20 851 820 3 865 310 22 8 Florida 12 937 926 15 982 378 3 044 452 23 5 Georgia 6 478 216 8 186 453 1 708 237 26 4 Arizona 3 665 228 5 130 632 1 465 404 40 0 North Carolina 6 628 637 8 049 313 1 420 676 21 4 Washington 4 866 692 5 894 121 1 027 429 21 1 Colorado 3 294 394 4 301 261 1 006 867 30 6 Illinois 11 430 602 12 419 293 988 691 8 6 New York 17 990 455 18 976 457 986 002 5 5 State Population values are decennial census counts for April 1 of the year indicated Ten Fastest Growing States in Numerical Terms in the United States 2000 2006 State 2000 Population 2006 Population Numerical Change 2000 2006 Texas 20 851 820 23 507 783 2 655 963 12 7 California 33 871 648 36 457 549 2 585 901 7 6 Florida 15 982 378 18 089 888 2 107 510 13 2 Georgia 8 186 453 9 363 941 1 177 488 14 4 Arizona 5 130 632 6 166 318 1 035 686 20 2 North Carolina 8 049 313 8 856 505 807 192 10 0 Virginia 7 078 515 7 642 884 564 369 8 0 Washington 5 894 121 6 395 798 501 677 8 5 Nevada 1 998 257 2 495 529 …
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