MIT 6 006 - Quiz 2

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November 18 2009 6 006 Fall 2009 Quiz 2 Introduction to Algorithms Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professors Srini Devadas and Constantinos Costis Daskalakis Quiz 2 Do not open this quiz booklet until directed to do so Read all the instructions on this page When the quiz begins write your name on every page of this quiz booklet You have 120 minutes to earn 100 points Do not spend too much time on any one problem Read them all through first and attack them in the order that allows you to make the most progress This quiz booklet contains 7 pages including this one Two extra sheets of scratch paper are attached Please detach them before turning in your quiz at the end of the exam period 00 This quiz is closed book You may use two 8 21 1100 or A4 crib sheet both sides No calculators or programmable devices are permitted No cell phones or other communications devices are permitted Write your solutions in the space provided If you need more space write on the back of the sheet containing the problem Pages may be separated for grading Do not waste time and paper rederiving facts that we have studied It is sufficient to cite known results Show your work as partial credit will be given You will be graded not only on the correctness of your answer but also on the clarity with which you express it Be neat Good luck Problem Parts Points Grade 1 14 15 2 1 15 3 1 15 4 2 20 5 1 15 6 2 20 Total Grader 100 Name Friday Recitation 1 point Krzysztof 11 AM Alex 12 PM Zoran 3 PM Rishabh 4 PM 6 006 Quiz 2 Name Problem 1 True or False 14 points 14 parts For each of the following questions circle either T True or F False a T F Heapsort is not a stable sorting algorithm b T F Finding the minimum element of a binary min heap takes logarithmic time c T F Any type of sorting algorithm can be used to sort the digits in one phase of radix sort d T F Given a matrix representation of a graph with V vertices we can run depth first search in O V time e T F DFS finds the longest paths from start vertex s to each vertex v in the graph f T F In a graph with negative weight cycles one such cycle can be found in O V E time where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph g T F One always obtains the shortest path to each vertex i e one using the minimum number of edges using breadth first search h T F A directed graph with a negative weight cycle has a topological ordering i T F If one can reach every vertex from a start vertex in a directed graph then the graph is strongly connected j T F Topological sort can be performed using one breadth first search procedure on the graph k T F Finding the strongly connected components in a graph requires V E time where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges l T F If one transforms edge weights w u v to w0 u v w u v u v for arbitrary then Dijkstra on the modified graph will return shortest paths in the original graph m T F The only operations required by Dijkstra on the priority queue data structure are EXTRACT MIN INSERT and DECREASE KEY n T F Dijkstra assumes the triangle inequality on edge weights that is for each triple of edges u v u a and a v we have w u v w u a w a v 2 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 3 Problem 2 Merging Multiple Lists 15 points You are given K sorted lists of numbers Each list has length N K so the total length of all of the lists is N Describe an algorithm using heaps to merge these K lists of N K numbers into a single sorted list of N numbers Your algorithm should run in O N log K time although you will receive partial credit for less efficient algorithms 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 4 Problem 3 Assigning Directions 15 points Consider a mixed unweighted graph G V E with both directed and undirected edges Assume that initially there are no cycles in G which use only directed edges Give an algorithm to assign direction to each of the undirected edges so that the completely directed graph so obtained has no cycles Analyze the asymptotic complexity of the algorithm 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 5 Problem 4 Modified Dijkstra 20 points 2 parts Modify Dijsktra s algorithm to find out of all shortest paths the one with fewest number of edges from a start vertex s to all other vertices a 10 points Propose an augmented data structure for each node for solving this problem b 10 points Modify the RELAX function with your augmentation RELAX u v w if relax condition then d v d u w u v parent v u 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 6 Problem 5 Road Network 15 points Consider a road network modelled as a weighted undirected graph G with positive edge weights where edges represent roads connecting cities in G However some roads are known to be very rough and while traversing from city s to t we never want to take a route that takes more than a single rough road Assume a boolean attribute r e for each edge e which indicates if e is rough or not Give an efficient algorithm to compute the shortest distance between two cities s and t that doesn t traverse more than a single rough road Hint Transform G and use a standard shortest path algorithm as a black box 6 006 Quiz 2 Name 7 Problem 6 Dynamic Programming 20 points 2 parts Describe an algorithm using dynamic programming to find the number of binary strings of length N which do not contain any two consecutive 1 s For example for N 2 the algorithm should return 3 as the possible binary strings are 00 01 and 10 You will receive greater credit for a more efficient algorithm a 10 points State the set of subproblems that you will use to solve this problem and the corresponding recurrence relation to compute the solution b 10 points Write iterative non recursive pseudo code to compute the solution Analyze the running time of your algorithm SCRATCH PAPER SCRATCH PAPER

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MIT 6 006 - Quiz 2

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