Berkeley MATH 1A - MATH 1A Student Handout

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Calculus 1A Student Handout Revised 1 18 04 Spring 2004 TT 8 00am 9 30pm Room 2050 Valley LSB Instructor Professor Zvezdelina Stankova Office Evans 713 Tel 510 642 3768 Office hours TT 9 40 11 10am E mail stankova math berkeley edu Webpage http www math berkeley edu stankova Head TA Michael West Office 1045 Evans E mail west math berkeley edu Regular office hours Tu F 12 30 2pm Extra office hours for first two weeks of classes M 12 2pm W 10am 1pm Thur 10am 12pm Prerequisites Three and a half years of high school mathematics Discussion Sections Each student will be assigned to a discussion section The discussion sessions as well as lectures are mandatory Textbooks Stewart Calculus Early Transcendentals Brooks Cole 5th edition 2003 or its abbreviated version sold through UCB bookstores and containing only materials for Calculus 1A and 1B Homework See the list of weekly Homework assignments below HWs will not be graded or collected but will be due on Wednesdays Homework solutions will be distributed in discussion sessions on Mondays Quizzes There will be approximately 12 quizzes in the discussion sections usually given on Wednesdays The lowest two quiz scores will be dropped when determining a student s final grade If you miss discussion sections when a quiz is taken you cannot retake the quiz in other section and your quiz score will be 0 Thus when you miss discussion sessions for whatever reasons including being sick or having a family emergency keep in mind that only two quiz scores will be dropped No exceptions will be made to this policy please do not bring to me or to your TA notes to be excused from quizzes The quizzes will be based on the current or previous homework assignment For a student joining the course late no quiz scores will be dropped all quizzes from the time when the student joins the class will be counted towards the final grade Thus do not ask for exceptions to this policy Exams There will be two in class midterm exams on February 26 8 00 9 30am and April 8 8 009 30am and a final exam on May 22 Saturday 8 11am There will be no make up midterms or final exams Every student must take the midterms and the final exam on these dates and at these times There will be no exceptions Do not take this class if you have conficts with any of this exam schedule A substantial portion of the exams will be based on homework assignments Grading Grades are computed by taking 15 quizzes 25 each midterm 35 final The final letter grades will not be based on a curve but on a score percentage cut off scale to be determined by me at the end of the semester Please consult the bonus credit appendix for more information and specific examples If you miss one of the midterms due to a documented reason the following adjustment will be made in calculating your grade 15 quizzes 35 other midterm 50 final A documented reason means an official document on letterhead dated and with appropriate signatures such documents must be submitted within a week of the missed midterm or else they will not be accepted and you will receive 0 points on the missed midterm If you miss one of the midterms due to a undocumented reason your final grade will be computed as 15 quizzes 0 the missed midterm 25 the other midterm 35 final Note that a conflict with other exams classes or activities will not be considered a reasonable excuse for missing a midterm Missing both midterms or missing the final exam will result in automatic failure of the course unless valid reasons are provided for requesting an incomplete grade Please consult the university policies regarding incomplete grades Note that incomplete I grades are almost never given The only justification for an I grade is a documented serious medical problem or a genuine personal family emergency Falling behind in this course or problems with work load in other courses are not acceptable reasons Special Arrangements If you are a student with a disability registered by the Disabled Student Services DSS on UCB campus and if you require special arrangements during exams you must provide me with the DSS document and you must contact me via e mail or in office hours at least 10 days prior to each exam explaining your circumstances and what special arrangements need to be done If you do not contact me 10 days in advance you will have to take the exam along with everyone else and under the regular conditions provided for the class Please observe this policy no exceptions will be made 1 Reading Assignments It is the students responsibility to read carefully and thoroughly the assigned section s from the textbook and review their class notes after each class Bonus Work Exams will consist of regular problems and bonus problems Bonus problems are not substitutes for regular problems they are usually harder and designed to provide extra challenge Your final grade will be calculated via the above formulas using only your regular scores After that all the bonus credit from exams will be added up separately Depending on what portion of the total bonus credit you have and on my estimate of the difficulty of the overall assigned bonus work your final grade may go up a step In past experience about 25 of my students have benefitted from this bonus policy by completing a considerable part of the bonus work However I reserve the right to be the sole judge of how much if at all any bonus work can boost one s grade This raises a subtle point with the midterm letter grades as midterms involve both regular and bonus problems Again I will first determine your letter grade based on your regular problems and then I will decide if any bonus credit is enough to increase your letter grade The important thing to remember is that the midterm letter grades will disappear once I start calculating your final score and that bonus credit can never decrease your grade I shall not discuss bonus credit policy or grading policy with students throughout the semester Thus please consult carefully the appendix for more detailed information on grading Tentative Plan of the Course1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 27 Jan 29 Feb 3 Feb 5 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 17 Feb 19 Feb 24 Feb 26 Mar 2 Mar 4 Mar 9 Mar 11 Mar 16 Mar 18 Mar 30 Apr 1 Apr 6 Apr 8 Apr 13 Apr 15 Apr 20 Apr 22 Apr 27 Apr 29 May 4 May 6 May 11 Preview of Calculus Functions and Graphs Types of Functions and More on Graphs Tangents to Graphs Limits and Limit Laws Definition of Limit

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Berkeley MATH 1A - MATH 1A Student Handout

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