MIT 6 006 - Lecture notes

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6 006 Recitation Notes 9 29 10 Jenny Barry jlbarry mit edu Notes on universal and collision resistant hash functions Neither of these are required course material but they re cool Definition A family of hash functions H h0 h1 is universal if for a randomly chosen pair of keys k l U and randomly chosen hash function h H the probability that h k h l is not more than 1 m where m is the size of the hash table This is useful because if you pick a hash function from H when your program begins in such a way that an adversary cannot know in advance which function you will pick the adversary cannot in advance guess two keys that will map to the same value Example The family of hash functions ha b x ax b mod p mod m 1 where 0 a p b p m p and U p for prime p is universal Proof Consider k l U with k 6 l For a given ha b let r ak b mod p 2 s al b mod p 3 r s a k l mod p 4 Note that r 6 s since cannot be zero since 0 a p k p and l p so a k l cannot be a multiple of p Now consider a r s k l 1 mod p mod p b r ak mod p 5 6 Now since r 6 s there are only p p 1 possible pairs r s Similarly since we require a 6 0 there are only p p 1 pairs a b Equations 5 and 6 give a one to one map between pairs r s and pairs a b Therefore each choice of a b must produce a different r s pair If we pick a b uniformly at random then r s is also distributed uniformly at random 1 The probability that two keys k and l with k 6 l have the same hash value is the probability that r s mod m Therefore we must have that r s m 2m qm 7 where qm p This gives us at most dp me 1 p 1 m possible values for s such that s can collide with r Since the pairs are distributed at random and s 6 r we have p 1 values for s that are all equally probable Thus P r s r mod m P r h k h l p 1 m 1 p 1 m 1 m 8 9 This proof was taken from CLRS Section 11 3 3 Definition A family of hash functions H h0 h1 is collision resistant if there is no algorithm p hi running in time logarithmic in the size of the hash table m such that for all i the probability that p hi x y where x 6 y and hi x hi y is exponentially small in log m Why log m We care about running times in log m because it requires O log m bits to specify a hash function to a table of size m Therefore the input to p is O log m so p must run in time polynomial in the size of its input Example The discrete logarithm hash functions hg n x g x mod n where n pq for primes p and q is g is relatively prime to n p 1 q 1 is a collision resistant hash function so long as p and q are unknown and factoring is hard Proof It can be shown that if we could find x and y such that g x mod n g y mod n with x 6 y we could factor n I haven t been able to find a simple version of the proof yet though Please let me know if you do 2

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