MIT 6 01 - Assignment 9a - Software Lab

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6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 9a Software Lab Issued Tuesday Oct 30th 1 MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 01 Introduction to EECS I Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 9a Software Lab Issued Tuesday Oct 30th To do this week in Tuesday software lab 1 Start writing code and test cases for the numbered questions in the software lab Paste all your code including your test cases into the box provided in the Software Lab Part 9 1 problem on the on line Tutor This will not be graded before the start of lab on Thursday 1 Read the lecture notes 2 Do the on line Tutor problems for week 9 that are due on Thursday Part 9 2 3 Read through the entire description of Thursday s lab a separate handout from this one in Thursday robot lab 1 Answer the numbered questions in the robot lab and demonstrate them to your LA 2 Do the nanoquiz it will be based on the material in the lecture notes and the on line Tutor problems due on Thursday before the start of lecture next Tuesday 1 Do the lab writeup providing written answers including code and test cases for every numbered question in this and the Thursday lab handout On Athena machines make sure you do athrun 6 01 update so that you can get the Desktop 6 01 lab9 directory which has the files mentioned in this handout You need the files resolveConstraints py circuitConstraints py genKCL py your code or genKCL pyc our code for the software lab and may find them helpful for the circuit design lab During software lab if you are using your own laptop download the files from the course Web site on the Calendar page Be sure you have numpy installed 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 9a Software Lab Issued Tuesday Oct 30th 2 Getting a head with circuits In all the previous labs we have mostly abstracted away the electrical nature of the signals being processed and generated by the robot In this laboratory you will design and build an electrical feedback system which controls a robot head In subsequent labs you will put eyes on the head to help your robot see As with the previous labs you will start by building a python tool to help you analyze circuits and then you will use that tool to help you design an improved robot head controller So this week you will be extending the constraint resolver analyzing an electromechanical system and designing a circuit Whew Tuesday s Software Lab Adding an Op amp to the Constraint Resolver You will be extending the constraint resolver program for analyzing circuits by adding an op amp model to the program You can then use your augmented constraint resolver to help you design a circuit to control the motor Add an op amp model to the constraint resolver In class we discussed the operational amplifier circuit referred to as an inverting amplifier shown in figure 1 In order to simplify the analysis of the op amp circuit we assumed that V V 0 and that no current enters the op amp inputs Using those assumptions we determined that the relationship between Vin and Vout was Rf Vin Vout Rin The main reason we could assume that V V 0 was that the op amp was connected in a feedback configuration and the gain of the op amp was very large You will now investigate the accuracy of that approximation using the constraint resolver Please use the version of the constraint resolver that does NOT automatically generate KCL equations As part of an exploration you can investigate how to add the op amp to your derived class for two terminal devices The abstract model we used for the op amp was a voltage controlled voltage source model and using that model in the inverting amplifier yields a somewhat different looking schematic shown in figure 2 where the gain of the voltage controlled voltage source K is a very large number We would like you to please add this voltage controlled voltage source model to circuitConstraints py allowing K to be a parameter analogous to way resistance is a parameter for resistors Keep in mind that this model has four terminals but there is only one nonzero current iout Therefore your constraint should involve four voltages and one current Please carefully consider what to do with iout the current generated at the output terminals of the op amp Note that this output current is not used in the op amp constitutive relations recall that the same situation occurs with a voltage source element 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 9a Software Lab Issued Tuesday Oct 30th 15 V Vo Rin V 15 Vout Opamp Rf Figure 1 Operational amplifier connected in an inverting amplifier configuration 3 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 9a Software Lab Issued Tuesday Oct 30th iout Opamp Model Figure 2 Inverting amplifier using a voltage controlled voltage source op amp model 4 6 01 Fall Semester 2007 Assignment 9a Software Lab Issued Tuesday Oct 30th 5 Question 1 Describe your modification to circuitConstraints py to implement the voltagecontrolled voltage source model of the op amp Question 2 What constraint will make use of the the op amp current Test your implementation of the op amp constraints by analyzing the inverting amplifier in figure 2 using the constraint resolver Use Rin 10 000 Rf 100 000 and try two cases one where the op amp gain K is K 1000 and then when K 100 Also try several different input voltages to test the gain Question 3 Describe your python file that generates the constitutive equations and the conservation laws for the negative feedback amplifier circuit Question 4 What was the gain of the amplifier when K 1000 and when K 100 Did the gain you measured depend on the input voltage Question 5 If the input voltage is 10 volts you would expect the output voltage to be near 100 volts In the lab we use protoboard power supplies that generate voltages in the range 15 volts to 15 volts So what do you think would happen if you built the circuit in figure 2 using the protoboard power supplies and tested it with an input of 10 volts Question 6 Determine approximately the smallest value of op amp gain K for which Vout Rf Vin Rin is accurate to within ten percent Go to the on line Tutor at http sicp csail mit edu 6 01 fall07 choose PS9 and paste the code that you wrote during lab including your test cases into the box provided in the Software Lab problem Do this even if you have not finished everything Your completed answers to these questions are to be handed in along with your answers to the questions in Thursday s lab before lecture on Tuesday November 6th You will need

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