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Government and Politics 170 Fall 2009 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Professor P Herrnson Office 3102C Morrill Hall Tel 301 405 4123 pherrnson capc umd edu Hours Tuesday 3 4 Thursday 1 2 and by appointment TAs D Anderson J Taylor J Wrighten The people of this country will by their conduct and example decide the important question whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force Alexander Hamilton The Federalist Papers This course is an introduction to the foundations and workings of the American political system The main focus is on the institutions and activities of the national government however there will be some discussion of state local and foreign governments The course has seven major objectives 1 To introduce the theoretical and practical considerations that inspired the founding of the American political system and informed the government s structure 2 To discuss the evolution of fundamental political rights and liberties 3 To examine the factors that support and perpetuate the political system 4 To analyze the structures functions and activities of the major political institutions the Presidency Congress the judiciary the bureaucracy political parties and interest groups 5 To examine different forms of political participation including elections and nonmainstream forms 6 To provide an overview of the policymaking process 7 To inform students of the different ways individuals and groups influence American politics Required Reading Karen O Connor and Larry J Sabato American Government 2009 Alternate Edition Pearson 2009 Note Available in several formats including hardcover text binder sheets e version Any format is acceptable Not all are available at the University Bookstore Saul D Alinsky Rules for Radicals Vintage any edition Readings posted under Course Reserves on Elms at https elms umd edu A major newspaper such as the Washington Post or New York Times Course Requirements Students are required to attend the lectures and discussion sections to read the assigned materials and to participate in discussion sections Grades will be based on two in class examinations each worth 20 a 10 page paper worth 20 a final examination worth 30 and performance in discussion sections Government and Politics 170 Fall 2009 and on short assignments and quizzes worth a total of 10 The university code of academic integrity will apply to this course see http www studenthonorcouncil umd edu code html Students are instructed to familiarize themselves with it and adhere to it All papers should be double spaced have one inch margins and be printed in a 12 point font The first essay requires no citations The second is a research paper that should be approximately 10 pages long It should use at least eight sources six must be scholarly books or articles the others can be journalistic reports from newspapers or magazine but not opinion pieces All papers and other assignments are due at the beginning of class Late assignments will be penalized three points for each day they are late A make up will be given only if justified by a university sanctioned excuse and accompanied by appropriate documentation If at all possible students should contact their TA or the professor prior to the scheduled exam date to request a make up exam Copyright Protections and Note Taking The course lectures and all other course matter are copyright protected Written consent from the instructor must be obtained for reproduction and distribution of lecture notes and course material especially for commercial use Copyright 2009 Herrnson Students with Special Needs Students with special needs who are registered with Disability Support Services 301 314 7682 are responsible for notifying the instructor and their TA seven days prior to each exam to arrange appropriate accommodations Assignments Students should complete the readings and projects before class on the assigned dates September 1 Introduction September 3 Foundations of American Government O Connor and Sabato ch 1 and Appendix I Government and Politics 170 Study Guide ELMS September 4 2 3 PAGE ESSAY TO BE HANDED IN FIRST DISCUSSION SECTION September 8 Foundations of American Government cont d September 10 The Constitution O Connor and Sabato ch 2 Federalist Papers Nos 10 and 51 Federalist Papers Nos 47 and 48 ELMS September 15 The Constitution continued Readings by John Roche and Charles Beard ELMS Government and Politics 170 Fall 2009 September 17 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights O Connor and Sabato chs 5 6 Readings by John Stuart Mill Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education ELMS September 22 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights continued September 24 FIRST IN CLASS EXAMINATION Long session arrive at 2 00 sharp with a pen and a pencil with an eraser September 29 Voting Technology and Ballot Design October 1 Political Culture Political Socialization and Public Opinion O Connor and Sabato ch 11 Readings by Alexis de Tocqueville Samuel Huntington and Morris Fiorina ELMS October 6 Political Culture Political Socialization and Public Opinion continued October 8 Political Parties and Elections O Connor and Sabato ch 12 Readings by APSA Committee on Political Parties listed under Arthur Paulson and Paul Herrnson ELMS October 13 Political Parties and Elections continued October 15 Political Participation and Voting O Connor and Sabato ch 13 Readings by Bernard Berelson et al and Samuel Popkin ELMS October 20 Political Campaigns O Connor and Sabato ch 14 Readings by David Dulio and Darrell West ELMS October 22 Political Campaigns continued October 27 SECOND IN CLASS EXAMINATION Long session arrive at 2 00 sharp with a pen and a pencil with eraser October 29 Career Seminar sponsored by the Center for American Politics and Citizenship November 3 Congress O Connor and Sabato ch 7 Federalist Papers Nos 55 and 57 and readings by David Mayhew Richard Fenno and Morris Fiorina ELMS November 5 Congress continued November 10 The Presidency O Connor and Sabato ch 8 Government and Politics 170 Fall 2009 Federalist Papers Nos 68 and 70 and readings by Richard Neustadt and Samuel Kernell ELMS November 12 The Executive Branch O Connor and Sabato ch 9 Readings by Max Weber James Q Wilson and Robert Reich ELMS November 17 The Judiciary O Connor and Sabato ch 10 Federalist No 78 and William Brennan Jr ELMS November 19

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